@adamlambert: K for those of ya who missed it- quick Lil twitter party encore b4 I fall asleep…. Go!
@cantinera: whiskey or tequila?
@adamlambert: tequila.
@minauderie: eggnog ot hot chocolate?
@adamlambert: chocolate
@NuNu_xo: favorite genre of music?
@adamlambert: pop
@melluvslambert: what was the name of the street you grew up on in PQ? I might live a few minutes away from it!
@adamlambert: Camino Del Suelo!
@motorkittyx: should we be expecting the same band and dancers for your next tour? Or will their be some newbies?
@adamlambert: too early to know…. Everyone is individually contracted and sometimes other gigs come up
@OMGitsNoelle: what is your favorite spot in West Hollywood??
@adamlambert: St Felix
@adommy88: how does it feel to b a godfather ans how is your adorable godson doing??
@adamlambert: Riff is rad. Got to see him on Passover.
@tokyomama4adam: Message for Japanese fans!! PLZ!!!!
@adamlambert: Japan: forever strong!! I love you!
@Lisa_Glamkitty: Any plans of returning to Europe soon? Germany misses you!
@adamlambert: I miss Germany!
@gaaraluver: Lover or fighter?
@adamlambert: both. Ha.
@bumbledee76: PJ’s or nude?
@adamlambert: nude
@SeriousShivers: what do you think of Justin Bieber??
@adamlambert: talented guy!
@adamlambert: K let's dig a little deeper w these questions folks!!
@GlambertHikari : What do you think of artists who lip-sync? (:
@adamlambert: if they do, they better be dancing their asses off. there are plenty that can do both. Bottom line: r u entertained or not?
@YiLengKilljoy: What would ya say to Bill Kaulitz if you ever meet him in person ?
@adamlambert: finally
RT by @adamlambert: MikkiBordignon-@adamlambert do you wear eyeliner?
@igobymanynames: You have become more politically active in promoting LGBTQ rights. What made you change your stance on this?
@adamlambert: given my increasing visibility I felt it was my indirect responsibility 2 be proud and vocal. a way to be what I never had.
@KeighleyUK: advice for the guys thinking about trying out for American Idol next year?
@adamlambert: don’t copy past contestants. Come up w your own
@maiapot: do you pray alot?
@adamlambert: no I don’t pray. I trust.
@fritzy_kitty: cupcake, if u could change something about society aqs a whole, what would you change??…(im trying to be deep) lol
@adamlambert: folks are SO judgemental. I wish our society was more live and let live.
@AdamFanXx: Is there any place that you havent been that you really want to go?
@adamlambert: Egypt, Greece…
@lissybounds_: What does it feel like to be on stage in front of thousands?
@adamlambert: it’s a great high
@theNicksterR: does it really bother you when your fans/media comment negatively on your latest look hair, outfit, facial fluff etc?
@adamlambert: not bothered by it- just dont think it’s newsworthy. Ridiculous. The Internet media is a joke anyway. No fact-checking….
@TATTOO50: What should I tell my husband when I reach for my phone for a text alert at 3:45am ?-
@adamlambert: “ok dear- I’ll disable the alert. Or switch the phone to silent when it’s time to sleep” #ownersmanual
@eurikai: would you consider acting?like,doing movies?
@adamlambert: hell yes!
@ewnicorn: Do you feel that sometimes too much attention is paid to every word you say, right or wrong?
@adamlambert: completely.
@GlamMonster_ : do you believe in karma?
@adamlambert: yup
@cocooyau: how do u trust people with intentions and agendas?
@adamlambert: some folks are real slick… Sometimes it’s hard to know people’s true intentions. Trust your instincts.
@gugugagah129: kindness or intellect?
@adamlambert: my favorite people have a mix of both. It’s a vital balance.
@xstrangelove: do you like Italy? *-*
@adamlambert: sooo sexy. I wanna see more.
@DreamyJames: Even though you are loved more than hated, do negative comments get to you sometimes?
@adamlambert: the ignorance gets to me more than the negativity.
@RAMrants: Do you feel pressure to be a exemplary role model for homosexual culture because you are gay and do you get tired of that word?
@adamlambert: good question. Yeah sometimes I wish we could just focus on music. But there is Soo much intolerance out there- gets me heated.
sometimes seems gay men “eat their own” They’d rather support straight girl stars than a fellow gay guy. #selfloathingprojection
@kepilynn808: how do you handle ppl who have said hateful things about you, and now want to be your friend?
@adamlambert: I take pleasure in calling them out on it. Lol
@LickMyVanilla: morning or night person ?
@adamlambert: clearly a night person.
@LickMyVanilla: have u ever slept with a women ?
@adamlambert: yup
@AdamAdamAdam3: how do u deal w ignorant ppl?
@adamlambert: try to educate them.
@jasminealimin: how’d you get the goatee so black?
@adamlambert: how’d u get ur teeth so white?
@Infidelle: You are a rare instance where fandom has embraced yr friends and family almost as u. Fun, uncomfortable?
@adamlambert: fine line. I am happy to see my friends benefit but at times it feels like the boundaries are really hard to draw.
@omgrudelicious: hey Adam will the new album be more electronic? Rockish? Or poppy?
@adamlambert: all three!!!
@rebeccaryuu: What part don’t you understand about being a fan?
@adamlambert: when it occasional lacks SELF respect.
@Infidelle: What wld u say to fans who are focusing on ur life and success more than their own?
@adamlambert: I’d say they should def put themselves first.
@claireious: your smile is beautiful. did you have braces??
@adamlambert: I did.
@kmg1313: Adam you sure you’re not bi?
@adamlambert: I believe in the Kinsey scale.
@31bellebleu: What CURRENT MALE vocalists are you into these days ? You seem to like the ladies more in this area
@adamlambert: Bruno Mars, timberlake, derulo, CEE-lo, Pharell, matt belamy….
@missnisha6849: Do you sometimes wish you had more Gay “allies” in the music business?
@adamlambert: def! Its a pretty misogynistic industry. Much more so than the other entertainment fields. Not sure why.
@xIIHY4lyfx: do you miss just hanging out without all the fame surrounding you ?
@adamlambert: yeah sometimes. But I’m also getting to do what I love at a level I only dreamed of. So… It’s worth it.
@MelisendePF: Can u elaborate on the Kinsey scale? A plastic surgeon friend insisted u had a nose job. True or false?
@adamlambert: no nose job! Lol had septoplasty- not rhinoplasty.
@Scrantonian13: What do you think of fanfic?
@adamlambert: it’s weird. (although can be quite creative) problem is that many forget it’s FICTION
@Neon__Light: Aaaah! You like Cee-Lo? What’s your fav song on his latest? I like Love Gun
@adamlambert: bright lights, big city– sick bass line
@JenJamn: do you ever feel insulted when interviewers are surprised by your intelligence & eloquence?
@adamlambert: no. Insulted when all they ask about is being gay and ask questions I’ve answered a zillion times. And nothing bout music.
@karinaLoveAdam: Adam WHEN YOU COME TO RUSSIA????PLEASE ANSWER ME…I AM YOUR LOYAL FAN…my name Karina(follow me please))..
@adamlambert: yes! Performing in Moscow at the end of May!!
@Brunette_4: which comes first: lyrics, melody, sound, something else?
@adamlambert: every song is different
@fANNAtic3: do you listen to a majority of mainstream artists? <33
@adamlambert: sorta part of my job… Lol
@DreamyJames: So uhm..what the fuck was up with the “Sauli” Tweet n Delete? Hahaha
@adamlambert: ya know I actually have no damn clue. Ha. We concluded it was possibly during an Ambien induced trance.
@canadianmik: what do you think about the changes to the zodiac signs dates?
@adamlambert: I thought that was a hoax/rumor.
@RockGlitz85: Question missing
@adamlambert: possibly. It IS slightly overkill incorporating it into so many words.
@MakiMarieSolis : how does it feel to have inspired thousands, millions, of teens/adults to just be themselves?
@adamlambert: that’s one of the BEST parts of all of this.
@Phantom_Mirage: are you a workaholic, shopaholic, sexaholic, and a tweetaholic?
@adamlambert: right now? Fully addicted to twitter
@gugugagah129: are you impatient?
@adamlambert: yeah. Big time
@AdamFanXx: Whats your moon sign and rising sign?
@adamlambert: sun in Aquarius, Libra Rising, Aries Moon =trouble
@adamlambert: K my amaaaaazing fans! Eyelids are heavy. Sweet dreams!! I love you all!!
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