@rather_sail: whoa! are you working on your album while you're in new york?
@adamlambert:l no- but getting right back to work when I return to LA
@juliaxxrawr: Have you ever done anything really embarrassing while ~under the influence?
@adamlambert: yeah. Haven't you? Lol
@atomicdawn: when will you wear the outfit The Blonds have been making for you?
@adamlambert: what outfit??!
@cocooyau: I love your wedge boots, did you get them from Paris?
@adamlambert: Rick Owens! One of my favorite designers.
@PartyGlamGirl: When's the next time you'll be in New Orleans boo?
@adamlambert: I dunno but I love NOLA
@adamlambert: haha no. Y'all gotta let that one go. I have.
@JMaslowForever: Who's your fave from this season of Idol?
@adamlambert: HALEY.
@boredwallflower: How satisfied are you with your life right now?
@adamlambert: aww. Very happy. And feeling way creative.
@GlampySunflower: What are your thoughts on NUTELLA???
@adamlambert: that stuff is GOOOOOOD
@xoTracyyyxo: Whose your favorite character on True Blood?
@adamlambert: Lafayette. Duh
@Wild4Adam: anything you feel comfortable sharing about Sauli?
@adamlambert: nope. Trying to keep private life private.
@SexualTicTacToe: Can you draw? Anything? (: x
@adamlambert: I used to draw during class in high school. I wasn't so bad... But I'm out of practice.
@glambertgomez: what have you been up to in New York?
@adamlambert: I've been catching up w dear old friends and saw a few in broadway shows. And eating and drinking...
@Ollipop_: Do you like sex?
@adamlambert: naw
@AdamazingGlam: what do you prefer more spikes , feathers, or glitter??????♥♥♥
@adamlambert: kinda over all of them. Lol
@NuNu_xo: favorite food??
@adamlambert: Thai food is always good. A good steak is always great...
@curlygirly95: WHAT do you say over and over again in the aftermath remix??
@adamlambert: I actually dont know!!
@curlygirly95: WHAT do you say over and over again in the aftermath remix??
@adamlambert: ask billboard. think he just mashed up some words and chopped/reversed them. don't think it's a word - more of a sound.
@sassybuttercup3: when are you & @TommyJoeRatliff getting your matching tats?? we've been waiting long enough;)
@adamlambert: they're not gonna be matching. That'd be really cheesy, buttercup.
@Arachnidkid: Zebra or Leopard print?
@adamlambert: I like both but I prefer zebra
@malt_berg: since @Monterrific already confirmed you don't have each others' phone numbers, what do use to communicate? smoke signals?
@adamlambert: he was being "sarcastic".
@AdamsPeen: My favorite of @adamlambert's pants are obviously the roomy harem pants. Any chance those are still around?
@adamlambert: Forgot who designed those but they were a pretty penny. Super comfy.
@adamlambert: I'm not answering any questions bout the album lovelies!! Too early for all that. Patience!
@vanglam: Do you know how much love feel South America for you?? We love you and need Adam's tour soon!!
@adamlambert: I will tour there next time. I want to hang out in Rio!
@Sergiox16: Xtina or Gaga?
@adamlambert: they're so different. I love them both for different reasons.
@GlitterySun: Can u tell me what to do? I told my best friends that Im bi, and now they are just ignoring me. Im so alone. Any advice?
@adamlambert: if that made them ignore you- they're not your friends. Get out there and meet some new friends who accept all of u.
@Nek0Kat: I have a question. Do you use any song to try and cheer you up or relax to??
@adamlambert: the Miike Snow album is so soothing. All of Goldfrapps down tempo songs are incredibly dreamy.
@flygirl814: So are you gonna keep the goatee?? Please say YES!!
@adamlambert: haha "keep it"? It's not a dog. Lol.
@gaaraluver: Favorite animal? I think panther or wolf is fitting? Thoughts?
@adamlambert: yeah I think my spirit animal is a wolf.
@earlzagurl4Adam: Who approached who for a collabo w/ Nikka?
@adamlambert: I approached her. Her voice and writing ability is fantastic. AND she's really smart, down to earth and hilarious.
@LibbyPaigeA: Current fave song?
@adamlambert: Two recent tunes I dig: INSIDE OUT by Britney. SOMEONE LIKE YOU by Adele.
@lissaboo2: did you go to your prom??
@adamlambert: yup! With Lauren Pittman. We had sooo much fun!
@Movieym: I'm 90% sure you're only responding to people w/ Adam related names. Prove me wrong. Favorite Adele song from 21?
@adamlambert: Someone like you' can totally relate...
@TheOneCalledEli: You were barefoot on stage a fair bit during GNT. How do you feel about socks/shoes? I have a love/hate relatinshp with'em lol.
@adamlambert: I love a great pair of boots. However, being barefoot onstage helps me feel grounded and comfortable.
@MeganGlambert: what gauge are your ears? are you going to go biggar??? .
@adamlambert: they're zero's. Keeping them this big.
@lizziecuddles: Mac or PC?
@adamlambert: MAC.
@vic_righthand: do you feel like your still the same person you were 2 1/2 years ago?
@adamlambert: in some ways. But I've grown a lot. And my whole life has changed- so I've had to do some adjusting.
@AdamLRocksMe: can you tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue?
@adamlambert: no! But I'm truly impressed by that skill. Just think of how much tongue talent that takes.
@TommyIsLikeHot: You do realize, it's 4am in finland, right? Would be really nice to get even one answer from you )
@adamlambert: get some sleep!!! Ha
@mscheviouslady: Awwww, did you stop twatting so you could get in some kissy-kissy time? ;-)
@adamlambert: exactly.
@adamlambert Thanks so much for the Twitter party!!! :D Adam Lambert Help.
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