Adam Lambert: Twitter party!!! Ask me something good?
Ollipop_ How do you feel about popsicles? Adam: @Ollipop_ I have a deep love and nostalgia for Otter pops. Do they still make those?
Azrielenish Why did you choose that image for your latest tattoo? Adam: @Azrielenish I just really liked it! Hah. It balances well with the other two I have.
@TeamScottyJames what's your favorite place you've ever had a concert at? (: Adam: @TeamScottyJames i think my best shows last summer were: Nashville, new Orleans, Montreal, San francisco, San Diego, Providence, Boston…
Idol360 Who is your favorite indie rocker? Adam: @Idol360 Matt Bellamy is amazing… But I that indie?
HausOfHamza Are you going to buy Gaga’s new album? Adam: @HausOfHamza fuck yes! Her creativity, fashion, bravery and biz sense are inspiring.
kashiny9 who do you think really deserved to win American idol?? Adam: @kashiny9 in regards to Idol I’ve said way too much. Media turns non-personal, honest opinions into “feuds”. @kashiny9 like mom taught: “if u don’t have anything nice to say- don’t say it all” sorry if I hurt any feelings- not my intent.
iseverybeenmyTK COME TO BRAZIL? THIS IS GOOD ;) Adam: @iseverybeenmyTK I want to come to brazil!!! Next tour I hope!!!
LambriniBird if you could do a duet with any singer dead or alive who would you choose? X Adam: @LambriniBird Freddie
lucia_glambert are u going to the Idol finale? Adam: @lucia_glambert yup!! I will be there for the results show! So excited!!
islandgirljams will your album come out in 2011? We are all so excited!!! Adam: @islandgirljams album will be out in the fall. So excited! Been making a lot of music and coming up w ideas for art and style. #nextlevel
nappyonpyon Love Japan??? Adam: @nappyonpyon I adore Japan!! I miss glamajuku!!
ElleSecrett would you ever consider having a concert in Egypt on your next tour maybe? ;D Adam: @ElleSecrett that would be surreal to do a concert at the sphinx. Can u imagine? Wow.
iloveadam67 thank you for being real!! :) ) Adam: @iloveadam67 thank you for appreciating it. So Sometimes gets me into trouble. :(
xIIHY4lyfx Where did you get those glittery zebra pants you wore last year ?! Adam: @xIIHY4lyfx had them made. My stylist Trish designed them. :)
HazMad13 @adamlambert r u ever gonna do a collab with Kesha?? I love u guys!!! Adam @HazMad13 would love to. Her and I have so much fun together. One of the most sincere and grounded stars I’ve met.
Dewald_vTonder why the ‘drastic’ change in hairstyle…?was it overdue? Adam @Dewald_vTonder yeah needed a change. Wanted a style that was less ‘done’. I can just roll outta bed with this cut.
DanielzROTFL did you write. Or co-write any songs on your new album? Adam @DanielzROTFL I’ve been co-writing on almost EVERYTHING! feels so great to be more involved this time. #luxuryoftime
xoTracyyyxo @adamlambert what do you do when youre feeling insecure to feel better Adam: @xoTracyyyxo eat Adam: @xoTracyyyxo j/k. Lol
AdamAdamAdam3 does your stylist make your outfits everyday? or just special appearances? Adam: @AdamAdamAdam3 only special occasions. Ive been shopping and dressing myself the past few months.
MusicLover358 my musical theater class is doing grease tonight…can u wish us luck?! Love u adam! :D Adam: @MusicLover358 “tell me more tell me more…”
NOH8_Durbinator Whats one thing that gets you through the day? Adam: @NOH8_Durbinator I love my fans’ passion and positive energy.
channy_lace1 Last show you DVR’d? Adam @channy_lace1 united states of Tara. Brilliant show.
argeneau Didn’t ya say in a interview you were excited about GNT in Milan coz you’d never been before? Coz Hair tour went to Milan… ;p Adam: @argeneau I was speaking of the N American shows. Milan, Finland, Paris, Copenhagen, London and Amsterdam were European highlights.
@GrayWhoBoo Do you trip a lot? Adam: @GrayWhoBoo when I’m wearing my medges.
Adam_TJRgirl If you could go back in time 100 yrs or ahead in time 100 yrs for one week, which would you choose? Adam: @Adam_TJRgirl prob ahead. It would be more unpredictable.
@squishfish_jess do you ever have those A-HA moments then stop everything you’re doing? :p Adam: @squishfish_jess YES.
seeinstereo_ can you share a lyric from a song you wrote for the new album? Adam: @seeinstereo_ “Now I believe in more than I can see”
xGlitterBabyxSarah will you ever re-hash your pre-idol songs? Adam: @xGlitterBabyx prob not. I want to release music that reflects where I’m currently at in my life.
Christine5850 If you had a child who was lying on the floor throwing a tantrum, what would you do? Adam: @Christine5850 probably try to reason with the child and make him or her smile
__CrazyLoveRebecca CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MUCH MUSIC VIDEO AWARD NOMINATION~YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!! Adam: @__CrazyLove thank u! So thrilled to be nominated for a Much Music award! I love Canada!!
westerosredsock Did you cry at the Gossip Girl finale? Adam: @westerosredsock no tears. Lol. But I have to say- Leighton Meester has really given Blair a lot more depth w her great acting.
LoveLambert1877 whats your favorite food? Adam: @LoveLambert1877 love spicy.
darya_ilina What kind of girls do you like? Adam: @darya_ilina my favorite women are strong, confident and funny women. (gay stereotype)
brandywhitford favourite male singer of 2011? Adam: @brandywhitford Bruno Mars is really talented. Beautiful voice and a great writer. I’m a fan. Liquor Store Blues is one of my favorites.
G_Menchaca have you ever struggled with not believing in yourself? Adam: @G_Menchaca everyday. Constant battle. But I feel like I’m on an upswing. Being in love and creative in the studio feed my soul.
@kingfan221 What's the ringtone on your phone right now? Adam: @kingfan221 a bassnecter track.
kiwiglambert Soooo ….. nipple rings….. discuss please ;-) Adam: @kiwiglambert took em out last summer. Not all it’s cracked up to be.
mallorielambert would you ever get your hair cornrowed? haha(: Adam: @mallorielambert I did once. Lol. The sides and the top was pompadour. Wore it that way to burning man when my hair was longer and blonde.
Adam Lambert: Btw- it’s my amazing mother’s birthday today! Happy birthday mom! I love you!!!!
Mickey1227 your strongest inspiration right now? Adam: @Mickey1227 how we all are on a personal journey of self discovery and constant evolution. Searching for liberation. Why we do what we do. Adam: @Mickey1227 these thoughts are my main fuel for writing my new album.
babashuchan Do you have an overused word or phrase? Adam: @babashuchan GLAM. haha it’s getting a little old.
ToxicLED we still cannot believe you found love in a shady bar. Only you, sir. Only you. Adam: @ToxicLED Jenny Woo ain’t shady!!
riley1877 3 words to describe your life right now? Adam: @riley1877 melodic, honest, and dreamy
Crazy4glambert1 If you could go back to any grade in your school days which would it be and why? Adam: @Crazy4glambert1 7th grade. I was really lonely and awkward. Wish I knew then what I know now.
_kandyal What’s the best thing about life?? Adam: @_kandyal being able to communicate a thought or feeling through song.
Adam Lambert: Glamberts. That name is here to stay. Because you sexy bitches where the name proudly!!! :) I love you!!
Adam Lambert: I don’t really like classifying music into genres lately. What’s the point? Pop music is a bit of dance, rock and hip hop these days.
Adam Lambert: I personally believe that rock n roll is just as much a frame of mind and attitude as it is a musical style. Rebellion.
JanaTheUnicorn did you get bad grades in english as a kid? :D Adam: @JanaTheUnicorn no. Really bad grades in math though. Lol
P0NDWATER do you like boobs? Adam: @P0NDWATER boobs are very pretty. :)
squishfish_jess do you listen to @blakemcgrath ? He’s talented and sexy!! Adam: @squishfish_jess some of the best out there.
alexanderenrico do you believe in ANY apocalypse theory? Adam: @alexanderenrico I think the end of Mayan calendar signifies an end of an era. next generation will bring about great change. Good I hope.
#7 Adam Lambert & Allison Iraheta - "Slow Ride" - The Top 10 'American Idol' Performances Of All Time by Lyndsey Parker
"Idol" duets can be a hokey affair, but Season 8's resident rockers were so awesome on this Foghat stadium anthem, many fans would have been happy if "Addison" had just tied for first place and recorded a full album of duets together. Sadly, this did not come to be--incredibly, Allison was voted off the day after this performance--but "Idol" fans at least got to see Lambert and Iraheta recreate this rock 'n' roll magic onstage every night on the Idols Live Tour. Personally, I'm still waiting for that duets album.
#1 Adam Lambert - "Ring Of Fire" - The Top 10 'American Idol' Performances Of All Time by Lyndsey Parker
This was probably the most polarizing performance on "Idol," and definitely the most exciting. Love him or hate him, Adam knew how to get people's attention, sometimes get people downright angry, and make those who were faint of heart and/or feeble of mind squirm in their support hose--all very good things in the world of rock and pop. On this fateful night, Adam took a strong stance, making it clear that he planned to stay true to himself, even if that meant freaking out Randy Travis with his goth manicure, or refusing to "go country" on Opry Night (though I think black-clad country maverick Johnny Cash would have appreciated this remake). Many Glambert performances--"Mad World," "Tracks Of My Tears," "Whole Lotta Love"--could've made this list, but "Ring Of Fire" is the one that really put him on the glittery map.