Mark your calendars, Glamberts! Adam will be taking the stage on both the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Jan. 17th and on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Jan. 19th! Catch Adam on Leno at 11:35/10:35c on NBC and check your local listings here to know where and when to tune into Adam on Ellen!
Adam Lambert, the winner of Pressparty’s King and Queen of 2012 poll, recently took time out before the start of his intensive promotional schedule for his upcoming album, 'Trespassing', to talk exclusively with us about the progression of his career, the representation of the LGBT community in both modern America and the entertainment industry, and about the emotional depths he went to for his new record. Here’s what he had to say:
You’ve revealed that your forthcoming new album, ‘Trespassing’, is very personal. Has anything triggered your desire to be more personal on this record? Your track ‘Outlaws of Love’ is about gay marriage, has falling in love and finding your soul-mate influenced your songwriting in any way?
I think having experienced the journey of releasing my debut and touring the world gave me more insight into the artist I have grown into and who my incredible fans are. For 'Trespassing', I felt I was ready to write music from my experiences and give a very honest emotional portrayal of my desires and fears. Both dark and light. While exploring these themes I realized how universal my topics were. I think part of the beauty of song is how they connect people. Whether they're dancing or crying, the best songs resonate with the masses.
I wrote 'Outlaws' about the many challenges the gay community faces and how hopeless it sometimes makes me feel. After I shared it with friends, it became clear that the lyrics could be interpreted in so many ways. I later visualized it underscoring scenes from 'Bonnie and Clyde', 'Twilight', 'Milk' or even 'The Color Purple'. Adversity has many faces. My intention is that the tracks on 'Trespassing' strike a chord with all walks of life.
‘Trespassing’ has an incredibly talented and dynamic team behind it (Dr. Luke, Pharrell Williams and songwriter Bonnie McKee). What were they like to work with?
Pharrell Williams has to be one of the coolest people I've ever met. For the first five minutes I felt like such an unworthy dork. But that was all on me - he didn't act like he was 'the' Pharrell. He was simply ready to create a killer track. We connected intellectually and found common ground in our philosophies. He really pushed me to be my bravest and brashest. I felt privileged to be working with someone who I'm such a fan of.
Bonnie is so talented, she dares to keep one foot in mainstream consciousness and one firmly planted outside the box. This is what makes her brilliant. Her melodic references are quirky and ironic, and her lyrics are so clever. We had so much fun writing together.
Dr. Luke has the special sauce. He has this unmatched gift for ear candy. He's the reason why you can hear a song on the radio a zillion times and hear something new in it each time, and yet you can hum the hook after the first listen.
You’re beautiful inside and out, as reflected by your philanthropy. Your fans even helped you to raise $1 million for various causes throughout 2011, with sales of the Adam Lambert Peace Pendant for The Trevor Project. Which causes, if any, will you be supporting in the New Year? (Pressparty would love to get involved!)
I'd like to do some more work with Donors Choose and Charity: Water. As soon as I figure out the next project I will definitely Tweet about it!
Pressparty has a strong LGBT following and understands that modern society often isn’t as liberal as it likes to make out. For example, some cities are more open-minded than others. Do you feel the acceptance of your sexuality in the U.S. has changed much in the years since appearing on American Idol? Would you ever consider moving to Europe with your Finnish boyfriend, Sauli Koskinen?
While I do feel like the U.S. has made social progress, I think there is still a lot of ignorance on the topic of sexuality. I still long for the LGBT community's diversity to be more broadly represented in the entertainment industry. I think larger strides have been made in film and TV but we still are just at the beginning with mainstream music. I consider myself a post-gay man working in a pre-gay industry.
I was already quite settled in my sexual identity before American Idol. Upon becoming a public figure I found I had to classify and qualify constantly. There has been so much 'role-model' talk over the past couple of years and although I'm honored to be considered one, I have a hard time allowing it to dictate the artistic and personal decisions I make. In following my own instincts and marching to my own drum, hopefully I can inspire others to find the confidence to do the same.
As far as Europe is concerned, I'd love to live there someday. I love european history and the lifestyle. However, I am an American with family and friends here and no matter the socio-political climate, this is my home.
Finally, a fan question from Linda Ladden - You have been compared to iconic performers such as Queen’s Freddie Mercury and Prince. What question would you have for them and what advice for your own career would you ask of them?
I honestly don't know what I'd ask icons like that. In my experience, the best advice is unsolicited. Legends like that probably wouldn't need me to ask a question, they lead or have led by example.
Adam, you've been a total star! On behalf of Pressparty and all your Glamberts worldwide, we would like to thank you for giving us the first interview of the year, and may it be one of many more to come. We wish you a truly happy and amazing 2012. Long may you reign during the Age of Aquarius!
Adam Lambert believes his forthcoming album "Trespassing" will be universal, reaching the masses. Speaking of the effort Friday, Lambert says "I felt I was ready to write music from my experiences".
"For 'Trespassing', I felt I was ready to write music from my experiences and give a very honest emotional portrayal of my desires and fears. Both dark and light," Lambert told Press Party. "While exploring these themes I realized how universal my topics were. I think part of the beauty of song is how they connect people. Whether they're dancing or crying, the best songs resonate with the masses."
Lambert has tapped a strong list of producers including Pharrell Williams and Dr. Luke for the album, which is due in stores this March.
Led by the single "Better Than I Know Myself," Lambert was also quoted as stating he was inspired by his boyfriend and their relationship.