Occurred on Saturday in Helsinki singer Adam Lambert and his entourage sat in the evening at this popular restaurant.
American Idol-race publicity jumped Adam Lambert appeared in the Cable Factory in Helsinki on Saturday. It was the American star of the European tour, starting the concert, while Lambert's first concert in Finland. In May, though the singer visited the X Factor program.
Saturday's concert after the 28-year-old singer does compressions straight to sleep in a hotel room, but went on to celebrate a successful gig in Helsinki at night. MTV3.fin Entertainment News According to the information about the singer and his entourage comprising 20 people celebrating the theater restaurant VIP side.http://www.mtv3.fi/viihde/uutiset/musiikki.shtml/1219785/adam-lambert-juhli-helsinkilaisravintolassa?utm_source=MTV3&utm_medium=twitter