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10 nov 2012

Adam Lambert on Webstagram


Adam Lambert - Fan Art by @GlambertRatliff

Tommy Joe Ratliff on Webstagram

"Saying bye to my niece before sitting in the sky for 21 hours"

Adam Lambert - New photo at Summer Sonic 2012 via Tokyoinsider Tumblr.

BECOMING OFFICIALLY GLAMBERT It was a while ago when I took this pic with Adam Lambert but I had a chance to interview him when he was in town for Summer Sonic 2012. He was well spoken and articulate. I remember being impressed that he has a perfect vision on how he would like to project himself to the public. He styles himself and does hair/makeup too. Unlike many other corporately manufactured (disposal) artists, he is one of few artists with clear vision on how he wants to be seen, . Hope to see him again

Poland Loves Adam Lambert is TT on Twitter

Adam Lambert's mega-watt personal style landed him a spot on our Most Stylish Dude of 2012 nominee list - MTV


Adam Lambert at Danielle Stori's gig last night 11-09-12 - Via Tammy Truce

Adam Lambert on KEEK! - GIF via @illuxxia


Adam Lambert interview on VH1 Top 20 Countdown 11-10-12 - 20 Screencaps via @got2btrue2u

More here: https://plus.google.com/photos/113654192333406077460/albums/5809219426511393297?banner=pwa

Adam Lambert interview on VH1 Top 20 Countdown 11-10-12 - Via @Kathryn17

ADAM LAMBERT ON KEEK! - 28 Screencaps via @got2btrue2u

More here: https://plus.google.com/photos/113654192333406077460/albums/5809155611679412657?banner=pwa

Adam Lambert New Account on Keek

Nov 9, 2012 | by AdamLambert on Keek.com

Celebrity Makeovers 2012: This Year's Best Style Switch-Ups: Adam Lambert - Aol music

Adam Lambert:
 "Glambert" ditched his signature dark locks for a shockingly silver 'do in 2012.


Adam Lambert - From my local paper - The Morning Call, Allentown PA - Via JazzRocks

Tomorrow morning on VH1 Top 20 (from Napa, CA): Adam Lambert - Via @JimShearer

Heat SA interview with Adam Lambert - Scan via @Robin_Lee10

Adam Lambert and Sauli grocery shopping in Los Angeles - Via @Jadelle1