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17 jun 2012
Adam Lambert via FACTORY311
Adam Lambert - Photo/Tweet via @FACTORY311: Look who we bumped into - Adam Lambert (lovely guy) @adamlambert
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert news,
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Adam Lambert in Concert July 21 Fantasy Springs - Pic via @scarlettcherry
Adam Lambert in Concert July 21 Fantasy Springs - Pic/Tweet via @scarlettcherry ..on the 10...Yeahhh Boyeeee!!!!
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert photos
Adam Lambert "Trespassing" - Fan Art by @ListoffSAY
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert photos
Queen and Adam Lambert interview for Polish RMF FM aired today - Translation via @Sroczka79
Queen and Adam Lambert interview for Polish RMF FM aired today - Translation via @Sroczka79 - Fan Art @gamlien
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: You come to Polish with a new vocalis. Why did you choose Adam Lambert?
Brian May: It's good to play with talented musicians .... Adam is a nice guy and is clearly very talented. He has an amazing voice. Freddie loved by him - professionally and privately. The more that Adam is a charming, very relaxed, easy to work with and has an unusual instrument? voice. Music is his passion, he lives and breathes it, as once Freddie. It is at the showman, too, like Freddie and has the natural ability of contact with the audience, which is an extremely important part of being a rock singer. Because for me, music is not just notes. This kind of conversation with the audience, which is of great importance. Oddly enough, the organization that she did for us singers to hearing "We Will Rock You in Las Vegas," Adam did not notice. Adam is reported to play Galileo, and rejected it. Not passed through a sieve and had no opportunity to know him then. For me it is amazing? a guy as he walks into the room and no one sees!?
Someone has suffered a penalty?
Heads should have been for it to fly, but that organization no longer exists, since withdrew from Las Vegas.
Gracie for 40 years, with over 20 without Freddie Mercury? Ego. How do you remember the time when it ran out?
Time after Freddie's death was very difficult for us. Everyone reacted denial. Negation in the sense that we did not want to talk about it, did not want to dwell on. I went on tour, singing and then I played with Brian May Band and no one wanted to talk about the Queen. I said: It's over, let's talk about what I'm doing now. In retrospect, I think in this way experienced grief. Today, years later, happy to go back to the old moments, I have found their proper place in my memory.
Really ever thought that the Queen is over?
Yes, and probably the part of Queen is over. That I did not recover, that time has passed. He was very precious to us, I'm proud that I was a part of it, because we were with a long list of songs that people still want to hear, and probably would prefer to listen to us than someone else who plays them. But I am your present life really like. I like it I do not have to go without a break in touring for months shut up in a recording studio that I can do other important things for me. However, there comes a time when the Queen calls and you can not help but respond to this call. Everything else must then wait. You press a button and you feel that Phoenix is formed, and we again devoted to life for the group. I take it very seriously. Like those of the sample. We work in the studio for a month, and yet we do with Adam a few numbers, but we want everything to be as it should. And that's cool. Mama cries sheep and children must take one more trip to the stars.
I heard that a movie about Freddie.
Yes, we do a film about the life of Freddie. In his role there is Sacha Baron Cohen, has signed a contract. Sacha waiting for this for a long time, is very involved and help us push through the various stages of production. Our partner is Robert de Niro and his Tribeca Film Festival. Work is already well advanced. We have a script and all the necessary approvals. In the fall we start shooting.
And a few weeks you come to the Polish concert. Which of the concerts I have ever played was the hardest for you?
Probably, from the technical side it was a concert on the roof of Buckingham Palace on the occasion of the Queen (2002? 50 years? Ed.) Nobody before us has not done anything like this and everyone said, you do not give advice, do not play this live, it's too hard, what will you do if something goes wrong before the billionth audience? To which I replied: I prefer to get something went wrong before billionth audience than me I made a mistake before billionth audience. So I took a lot of attempts, but technically everything was as it should until 10 minutes before the start of the concert. But what the audience saw was played totally live. I was very dangerous. Me and the band we were at a great distance from each other, connected only cables (Roger Taylor and the orchestra were on the earth? Eds.). People asked then: if there was concern that fall off the roof? But I'm not scared about it. I was afraid that I will look silly when I play badly. But thank God it all worked out.
I met the Queen in person?
Yes, even a few times. I got from her CBE (OBE Class III? Eds.). But do not sit together :) And we're probably not too close to each other :)
What's the best care for the concert?
A 3 mm square on the fingertips. They are very important and if I damage it, I'm in serious trouble. So I have to be very careful during the trial, because when you exaggerate on their pads and the skin begins to descend, I will not be able to properly play. Do not put a play of passion, if your fingers bleed. You have to play just enough to pad were hard, or a little more.
What is the hardest song you're playing at concerts?
These are not the toughest play. We make it easy :) Such a life is a song such as "Bohemian Rhapsody". If we want to play it like in the studio, we would not advice. There are too many voices and all of our course. In the studio, recorded it on multiple tracks. There are a couple of guitars. This song is like a picture, which consists of many colors. On stage we do with this kind of show of video and light, I play this live it would be foolish.
What are you thinking during the concert?
The kinds of things. But even when I play, life goes on, and although I am immersed in the music comes to me a lot of things: I see a banner at the end of the hall, on which someone had written some weird password, and start thinking: what is it what the hell they're there write down? It can hurt you suddenly rate, which is becoming more common as we get older. Sometimes I am looking for sound, sometimes hard to hear yourself or other musicians, so tend to be times when I struggle with vocals and think about how to catch more information on the monitor. Because if you do not hear myself, I am not able to play. I feel like a five-year time. I do not play the guitar from memory, I need feedback and when they lose, I'm like a blind man.
And your appearance do you care?
When I play - not too much. At other times a bit more. Especially when I see their pictures in newspapers and think: Jesus Christ, I'm already looking like!
But you almost do not change.
Of course, that is changing, but I have no trouble to come to terms with what he did with me. I'm not glamorous, I'm not a movie star, I feel completely comfortable in her own skin. Much better today than when I was young, because I got used to how I look and I am much more aware of their role in the world.
Time went around very gently with your hair ...
Yes, they still have a few on the head. I think it's a cold shower makes my hair grow well. I like a cold shower works great on my nerves, skin, mood, once you catch on reality. But it must be really cold. I am convinced that you have in Poland a good, cold water. I'm waiting to find out.
... And after all these years have never changed your hairstyle.
No, I would feel weird. When you're young you do not have a sense of security. I also did not have one, especially when it comes to appearance. I was always too tall and too skinny. I had curly hair, which I was ashamed, because all my idols have great hair. Eric Clapton, for example? I wanted to have such hair as he is. Until one day appeared on the scene Jimmy Hendrix and I thought, now I too can feel great about my hair. It was a moment of liberation. I have to thank Jimmy Hendrix.
You say you still have time to deal with other things that you fascinated. You're back to astronomy ...
Indeed, some drove away in other areas, but the field has a strange power of attraction. This is my second passion. Wherever I go, I see the stars, just so I put in a little effort and had little luck. I love astronomy, and it gives me - a feeling of belonging to the universe, a perspective on life. Astronomy is changing very rapidly, especially in these days, every minute someone finds something new. This applies not only professionals but also amateurs who are equipped with excellent equipment, many of them have better computers than those who had sent men to the moon. So astronomy attracted me again. I came to the conclusion that we finish what once started. Today I have a PhD. Doctorate in astrophysics. And I have no patience for people who just style me 'sir'. If you put enough work to earn his doctorate from the name, you can not let others forget about it :)
You're back to astronomy, you have heard the cry from the sky?
More or less. That's a total fun story. I spent a lot of time with Patrick Moore? And who is considered the father of British astronomy, and for 50 years leading the television show "Sky at Night", m which has no precedent anywhere in the world. He became a good friend of mine, we observed along the ellipse, and the transit of Venus, and he always told me: Brian, you should finish his doctorate. You have gone through four years of work. And I always replied that I had to head. Until one day someone asked me in an interview, will I ever finally write my dissertation. I replied that I would. Coincidence that this interview has read Michael Robinson, chief of the astrophysics at Imperial College, which is my alma mater and he sent me an email: "Dear Brian, I heard that you would like to finish writing a PhD, if you say it seriously, come to the Imperial College, I your supervisor. " I could not refuse.
What was your thesis?
The dust in the solar system. And then, along with Patrick wrote the book "Bang! A Complete History of the Universe" (Big Bang. Total history of the universe "? Ed.), who has sold a huge number of copies. It's kind of a guide to the universe, which presents the events in chronological order. before us no one did.
Even Stephen Hawking?
Hawking presents a theory of the universe a little from the other side. We are aware of what he writes, as we know that none of his books does not understand. Not excluding myself. That is why we have taken to write something that would be understandable to all. And now, we wrote another book, which has just been sent to the publisher Fri "Cosmic Tourist" ("space tourist"? Red). This journey through the universe, where we visit all the sights to see points in the fabulous scenery of the sky. So if you want to travel the universe, we advise where you should make yourself stop.
In that case, you probably know that in 2012 will be the end of the world? :)
As an astronomer I ask: where you have proof that it will end? In my opinion the world will not end.
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: Coming to you, I realized that performing on stage for well over 40 years, 20 years played with Freddie and 20 years without him. How would you describe these periods?
Roger Taylor: Interesting and very difficult question. The first 20 years were like a rollercoaster. Wonderful. It was just work, work and work. We went around the world, building the brand team. And then when we lost Freddie We attended a big bottom. But for us, after all, life was a gracious, our music is still popular, which is amazing and what never ceases to amaze me. For me and Brian, of course, great joy. But much has changed. We have changed, but the Queen is still alive. It is amazing, but I still feel the presence of Freddie, the soul and the music. I still miss him. But I surprised myself when I realized that we survived those years without him as with him. Then, when I was sick, we were completely helpless. We could not stop the development of the disease. Today, when medicine has gone ahead, it would probably otherwise. But then came a hard time for us.
Is after all these years spent together still friends now with Brian?
Sure, this fact can be seen. We argue, of course, always arguing, but we are for each other as brothers. And we are fighting with each other? Well, that was and is. And when we argue, each of us is convinced of its case.
And so for 40 years ...
Yes, longer than most marriages.
Speaking of which? you are happy in private life?
Yes, I think I'm lucky. I have a wonderful life and I want to stay there. I managed to stay healthy, which rocker in your life is not so simple.
How did you do?
I do not know.
It may not have been drinking too much wine.
Maybe I was tough. But life was very gracious to me.
I have a happy family?
Yes, I have five children that I love very much. One is a doctor, a second drummer, the other still learning.
He once had to be a doctor ...
I had to be a dentist, but I preferred to play in a rock band. Medical school it was just a way to escape to London, I really never wanted to be a dentist.
Ultimately, however, finished biology.
Yes, at the University of London. At that time, already working on our first album and I was interested in music only. I did not want to waste years that I spent at the University.
But you are not handy in the life of the biology ...
Not at work. But knowledge about the human body, plants, animals are very useful.
In addition to your son, who is a drummer, the other children did not go in your footsteps?
No, but my son Rufus playing with us on drums and percussion. Brian is a fan, because Rufus really is a great drummer.
And now you have a great vocalist.
That's right, Adam is one of the best singers I have seen. It will be good in our repertoire. It's very theatrical, is a large scale voice, great charisma and presence. Is likely to be a big star.
Do you think he will play a few shows together and it will be the end or you will be together for longer?
I really do not know. This is a very happy experiment, which I think very well come true. We'll know more when we finish the route, but the Queen, we, me and Brian. Connecting to anyone else on a permanent basis would be a mistake.
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: How do you feel alongside music legends such as Queen?
Adam Lambert: The atmosphere, formed by Brian and Roger is very warm, they themselves are very natural, ordinary, and very excited that they sing songs that they created and the audience still wants to hear. There is no big ego. With Brian and Roger can simply be relaxed and it is great.
You are much younger than them, there were afraid of a little bit?
No, not afraid of them. Had crept between us fear, our music, what is now jointly create, not sound good. Freddie was brave, strong, and it inspires me. Of course I'm honored that I can with them and be aware of as a great heritage, I have to deal with. But you know how I think about it? We have a piece of cool music to play and we'll be at this super fun.
How was your first meeting with Brian and Roger?
Our first meeting was held during the final of the U.S. edition of "Idol" in 2009. But so much was going on, that does not even have time to think: Oh God, I'm on stage with a group of Queen! This realization struck me somehow, though I knew it was a great moment. I do remember how Brian came up to me and said: You know what? I woke up this morning, I looked at the rising sun and thought how beautiful it is to live! And I thought: What a great guy! What is remarkable, positive energy! We had a great performance together and immediately knew that it would be nice to make a future cooperation.
This cooperation is now more important to you or maybe your solo career?
Being on stage with the Queen is a great honor for me that my career is useful light, but I started to burn because of my own ideas on music, and while playing with the Queen is an honor and I hope that there is no time for the last time, it the first place to his second album, "Trespassing."
Which is just released in Poland. What is this album?
This is pop, but rock and roll energy. It is there, and funk, and dance, and ballads, songs in a quieter pace, more moody, more profound. This album shows both sides of my personality. My joy of life, rebelliousness, the distance that I have for myself. You can empower people to understand who I am and what moves me. Such sentiments, moreover, apply to all. We all have good days and bad days, when we play, we are together and when it is difficult for us. I am very pleased that on this album you will find the whole spectrum of emotions.
Indeed, you're a rebel?
Sometimes yes, sometimes I visit very rebellious. But I say to myself: rebel with a smile. I'm not an asshole, I respect people have for their friendly attitude, I'm polite, but do not let myself fall on his head. I really like to break rules.
Do you think you have something to do with Freddie?
The love of theatrics, he also had concerns that the climb to the summit, he loved the singing, he loved to sing. There are also differences, but when I watch performances by Freddie, I feel kinship between us in the manner in which he attacked the music, how he approached his performances on stage. It is hard for me to say, I can not be objective in this case, but clearly modeled on Freddie as an artist.
I know that talking openly about his homosexuality. Do you have a boyfriend?
Yes, my boyfriend and I are together for eighteen months. He is from Finland.
He lives with you in Los Angeles?
So, since we live together in LA, and now come with me to London. We are very pleased with this relationship, we are happy together.
Is also a musician?
No, he is a "personality". In 2007, Finland, won Big Brother, and we met three years later, when I was there on tour. It was love at first sight.
You talk about his sexual orientation with courage, others do not.
I finished 30 years and I have no time to fear what the others think. It's not my problem. I'm worried about my happiness. I want to be honest, I want to be myself. When I stopped to play in the theater, where I could be anyone, and I began performing on the music scene in your own skin, I was very excited.
And your parents to accept?
Yes, they are great. In this respect, I was comfortable upbringing. My parents accept me, and being gay in the art world is not too heavy, although I understand that for some it can be difficult.
Parents do not worry that you will not have any children?
I have children. I can adopt, or talk to the surrogate. Besides, I can do after the baby. Everything I can.
You say, comfortable upbringing. This means that you had a happy childhood in San Diego?
My childhood was wonderful. I have a younger brother by two years, my parents are great. When I came into the world, they were young and at ease
They were musicians?
Fans of the music. My dad was still in college? With a DJ, had a large collection of vinyl records, and my mother knew the words of all the songs, which in those days were on top. My brother plays the piano, because we have a piano at home. I was 10 I started to give in musical theater. Although parents encouraged me to various activities, including sports, but I do not enthuse. The moment he became interested in music, I found that it is a thing where I can finally be good, so from early childhood, I dealt with the music.
Actually, I started studying at university but I spent only 5 weeks and quit.
From what you quit?
Study of theater. I concluded that such a person like me to learn more from practice than in the classroom. I preferred to play and experience the profession firsthand.
You had to have tough skin ...
Yes, but I could only be achieved in practice. I had to dive into show business, feel the rejection, to hear "no" is hard to understand how the profession. That made me a stronger artist and man.
I somehow hate criticism?
At this stage of life? Are you kidding! Of course you would! I'm used to it. All the time I hear some nasty things about yourself. I accept them with the benefit of inventory.
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: You come to Polish with a new vocalis. Why did you choose Adam Lambert?
Brian May: It's good to play with talented musicians .... Adam is a nice guy and is clearly very talented. He has an amazing voice. Freddie loved by him - professionally and privately. The more that Adam is a charming, very relaxed, easy to work with and has an unusual instrument? voice. Music is his passion, he lives and breathes it, as once Freddie. It is at the showman, too, like Freddie and has the natural ability of contact with the audience, which is an extremely important part of being a rock singer. Because for me, music is not just notes. This kind of conversation with the audience, which is of great importance. Oddly enough, the organization that she did for us singers to hearing "We Will Rock You in Las Vegas," Adam did not notice. Adam is reported to play Galileo, and rejected it. Not passed through a sieve and had no opportunity to know him then. For me it is amazing? a guy as he walks into the room and no one sees!?
Someone has suffered a penalty?
Heads should have been for it to fly, but that organization no longer exists, since withdrew from Las Vegas.
Gracie for 40 years, with over 20 without Freddie Mercury? Ego. How do you remember the time when it ran out?
Time after Freddie's death was very difficult for us. Everyone reacted denial. Negation in the sense that we did not want to talk about it, did not want to dwell on. I went on tour, singing and then I played with Brian May Band and no one wanted to talk about the Queen. I said: It's over, let's talk about what I'm doing now. In retrospect, I think in this way experienced grief. Today, years later, happy to go back to the old moments, I have found their proper place in my memory.
Really ever thought that the Queen is over?
Yes, and probably the part of Queen is over. That I did not recover, that time has passed. He was very precious to us, I'm proud that I was a part of it, because we were with a long list of songs that people still want to hear, and probably would prefer to listen to us than someone else who plays them. But I am your present life really like. I like it I do not have to go without a break in touring for months shut up in a recording studio that I can do other important things for me. However, there comes a time when the Queen calls and you can not help but respond to this call. Everything else must then wait. You press a button and you feel that Phoenix is formed, and we again devoted to life for the group. I take it very seriously. Like those of the sample. We work in the studio for a month, and yet we do with Adam a few numbers, but we want everything to be as it should. And that's cool. Mama cries sheep and children must take one more trip to the stars.
I heard that a movie about Freddie.
Yes, we do a film about the life of Freddie. In his role there is Sacha Baron Cohen, has signed a contract. Sacha waiting for this for a long time, is very involved and help us push through the various stages of production. Our partner is Robert de Niro and his Tribeca Film Festival. Work is already well advanced. We have a script and all the necessary approvals. In the fall we start shooting.
And a few weeks you come to the Polish concert. Which of the concerts I have ever played was the hardest for you?
Probably, from the technical side it was a concert on the roof of Buckingham Palace on the occasion of the Queen (2002? 50 years? Ed.) Nobody before us has not done anything like this and everyone said, you do not give advice, do not play this live, it's too hard, what will you do if something goes wrong before the billionth audience? To which I replied: I prefer to get something went wrong before billionth audience than me I made a mistake before billionth audience. So I took a lot of attempts, but technically everything was as it should until 10 minutes before the start of the concert. But what the audience saw was played totally live. I was very dangerous. Me and the band we were at a great distance from each other, connected only cables (Roger Taylor and the orchestra were on the earth? Eds.). People asked then: if there was concern that fall off the roof? But I'm not scared about it. I was afraid that I will look silly when I play badly. But thank God it all worked out.
I met the Queen in person?
Yes, even a few times. I got from her CBE (OBE Class III? Eds.). But do not sit together :) And we're probably not too close to each other :)
What's the best care for the concert?
A 3 mm square on the fingertips. They are very important and if I damage it, I'm in serious trouble. So I have to be very careful during the trial, because when you exaggerate on their pads and the skin begins to descend, I will not be able to properly play. Do not put a play of passion, if your fingers bleed. You have to play just enough to pad were hard, or a little more.
What is the hardest song you're playing at concerts?
These are not the toughest play. We make it easy :) Such a life is a song such as "Bohemian Rhapsody". If we want to play it like in the studio, we would not advice. There are too many voices and all of our course. In the studio, recorded it on multiple tracks. There are a couple of guitars. This song is like a picture, which consists of many colors. On stage we do with this kind of show of video and light, I play this live it would be foolish.
What are you thinking during the concert?
The kinds of things. But even when I play, life goes on, and although I am immersed in the music comes to me a lot of things: I see a banner at the end of the hall, on which someone had written some weird password, and start thinking: what is it what the hell they're there write down? It can hurt you suddenly rate, which is becoming more common as we get older. Sometimes I am looking for sound, sometimes hard to hear yourself or other musicians, so tend to be times when I struggle with vocals and think about how to catch more information on the monitor. Because if you do not hear myself, I am not able to play. I feel like a five-year time. I do not play the guitar from memory, I need feedback and when they lose, I'm like a blind man.
And your appearance do you care?
When I play - not too much. At other times a bit more. Especially when I see their pictures in newspapers and think: Jesus Christ, I'm already looking like!
But you almost do not change.
Of course, that is changing, but I have no trouble to come to terms with what he did with me. I'm not glamorous, I'm not a movie star, I feel completely comfortable in her own skin. Much better today than when I was young, because I got used to how I look and I am much more aware of their role in the world.
Time went around very gently with your hair ...
Yes, they still have a few on the head. I think it's a cold shower makes my hair grow well. I like a cold shower works great on my nerves, skin, mood, once you catch on reality. But it must be really cold. I am convinced that you have in Poland a good, cold water. I'm waiting to find out.
... And after all these years have never changed your hairstyle.
No, I would feel weird. When you're young you do not have a sense of security. I also did not have one, especially when it comes to appearance. I was always too tall and too skinny. I had curly hair, which I was ashamed, because all my idols have great hair. Eric Clapton, for example? I wanted to have such hair as he is. Until one day appeared on the scene Jimmy Hendrix and I thought, now I too can feel great about my hair. It was a moment of liberation. I have to thank Jimmy Hendrix.
You say you still have time to deal with other things that you fascinated. You're back to astronomy ...
Indeed, some drove away in other areas, but the field has a strange power of attraction. This is my second passion. Wherever I go, I see the stars, just so I put in a little effort and had little luck. I love astronomy, and it gives me - a feeling of belonging to the universe, a perspective on life. Astronomy is changing very rapidly, especially in these days, every minute someone finds something new. This applies not only professionals but also amateurs who are equipped with excellent equipment, many of them have better computers than those who had sent men to the moon. So astronomy attracted me again. I came to the conclusion that we finish what once started. Today I have a PhD. Doctorate in astrophysics. And I have no patience for people who just style me 'sir'. If you put enough work to earn his doctorate from the name, you can not let others forget about it :)
You're back to astronomy, you have heard the cry from the sky?
More or less. That's a total fun story. I spent a lot of time with Patrick Moore? And who is considered the father of British astronomy, and for 50 years leading the television show "Sky at Night", m which has no precedent anywhere in the world. He became a good friend of mine, we observed along the ellipse, and the transit of Venus, and he always told me: Brian, you should finish his doctorate. You have gone through four years of work. And I always replied that I had to head. Until one day someone asked me in an interview, will I ever finally write my dissertation. I replied that I would. Coincidence that this interview has read Michael Robinson, chief of the astrophysics at Imperial College, which is my alma mater and he sent me an email: "Dear Brian, I heard that you would like to finish writing a PhD, if you say it seriously, come to the Imperial College, I your supervisor. " I could not refuse.
What was your thesis?
The dust in the solar system. And then, along with Patrick wrote the book "Bang! A Complete History of the Universe" (Big Bang. Total history of the universe "? Ed.), who has sold a huge number of copies. It's kind of a guide to the universe, which presents the events in chronological order. before us no one did.
Even Stephen Hawking?
Hawking presents a theory of the universe a little from the other side. We are aware of what he writes, as we know that none of his books does not understand. Not excluding myself. That is why we have taken to write something that would be understandable to all. And now, we wrote another book, which has just been sent to the publisher Fri "Cosmic Tourist" ("space tourist"? Red). This journey through the universe, where we visit all the sights to see points in the fabulous scenery of the sky. So if you want to travel the universe, we advise where you should make yourself stop.
In that case, you probably know that in 2012 will be the end of the world? :)
As an astronomer I ask: where you have proof that it will end? In my opinion the world will not end.
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: Coming to you, I realized that performing on stage for well over 40 years, 20 years played with Freddie and 20 years without him. How would you describe these periods?
Roger Taylor: Interesting and very difficult question. The first 20 years were like a rollercoaster. Wonderful. It was just work, work and work. We went around the world, building the brand team. And then when we lost Freddie We attended a big bottom. But for us, after all, life was a gracious, our music is still popular, which is amazing and what never ceases to amaze me. For me and Brian, of course, great joy. But much has changed. We have changed, but the Queen is still alive. It is amazing, but I still feel the presence of Freddie, the soul and the music. I still miss him. But I surprised myself when I realized that we survived those years without him as with him. Then, when I was sick, we were completely helpless. We could not stop the development of the disease. Today, when medicine has gone ahead, it would probably otherwise. But then came a hard time for us.
Is after all these years spent together still friends now with Brian?
Sure, this fact can be seen. We argue, of course, always arguing, but we are for each other as brothers. And we are fighting with each other? Well, that was and is. And when we argue, each of us is convinced of its case.
And so for 40 years ...
Yes, longer than most marriages.
Speaking of which? you are happy in private life?
Yes, I think I'm lucky. I have a wonderful life and I want to stay there. I managed to stay healthy, which rocker in your life is not so simple.
How did you do?
I do not know.
It may not have been drinking too much wine.
Maybe I was tough. But life was very gracious to me.
I have a happy family?
Yes, I have five children that I love very much. One is a doctor, a second drummer, the other still learning.
He once had to be a doctor ...
I had to be a dentist, but I preferred to play in a rock band. Medical school it was just a way to escape to London, I really never wanted to be a dentist.
Ultimately, however, finished biology.
Yes, at the University of London. At that time, already working on our first album and I was interested in music only. I did not want to waste years that I spent at the University.
But you are not handy in the life of the biology ...
Not at work. But knowledge about the human body, plants, animals are very useful.
In addition to your son, who is a drummer, the other children did not go in your footsteps?
No, but my son Rufus playing with us on drums and percussion. Brian is a fan, because Rufus really is a great drummer.
And now you have a great vocalist.
That's right, Adam is one of the best singers I have seen. It will be good in our repertoire. It's very theatrical, is a large scale voice, great charisma and presence. Is likely to be a big star.
Do you think he will play a few shows together and it will be the end or you will be together for longer?
I really do not know. This is a very happy experiment, which I think very well come true. We'll know more when we finish the route, but the Queen, we, me and Brian. Connecting to anyone else on a permanent basis would be a mistake.
Martha Grzywacz, RMF FM: How do you feel alongside music legends such as Queen?
Adam Lambert: The atmosphere, formed by Brian and Roger is very warm, they themselves are very natural, ordinary, and very excited that they sing songs that they created and the audience still wants to hear. There is no big ego. With Brian and Roger can simply be relaxed and it is great.
You are much younger than them, there were afraid of a little bit?
No, not afraid of them. Had crept between us fear, our music, what is now jointly create, not sound good. Freddie was brave, strong, and it inspires me. Of course I'm honored that I can with them and be aware of as a great heritage, I have to deal with. But you know how I think about it? We have a piece of cool music to play and we'll be at this super fun.
How was your first meeting with Brian and Roger?
Our first meeting was held during the final of the U.S. edition of "Idol" in 2009. But so much was going on, that does not even have time to think: Oh God, I'm on stage with a group of Queen! This realization struck me somehow, though I knew it was a great moment. I do remember how Brian came up to me and said: You know what? I woke up this morning, I looked at the rising sun and thought how beautiful it is to live! And I thought: What a great guy! What is remarkable, positive energy! We had a great performance together and immediately knew that it would be nice to make a future cooperation.
This cooperation is now more important to you or maybe your solo career?
Being on stage with the Queen is a great honor for me that my career is useful light, but I started to burn because of my own ideas on music, and while playing with the Queen is an honor and I hope that there is no time for the last time, it the first place to his second album, "Trespassing."
Which is just released in Poland. What is this album?
This is pop, but rock and roll energy. It is there, and funk, and dance, and ballads, songs in a quieter pace, more moody, more profound. This album shows both sides of my personality. My joy of life, rebelliousness, the distance that I have for myself. You can empower people to understand who I am and what moves me. Such sentiments, moreover, apply to all. We all have good days and bad days, when we play, we are together and when it is difficult for us. I am very pleased that on this album you will find the whole spectrum of emotions.
Indeed, you're a rebel?
Sometimes yes, sometimes I visit very rebellious. But I say to myself: rebel with a smile. I'm not an asshole, I respect people have for their friendly attitude, I'm polite, but do not let myself fall on his head. I really like to break rules.
Do you think you have something to do with Freddie?
The love of theatrics, he also had concerns that the climb to the summit, he loved the singing, he loved to sing. There are also differences, but when I watch performances by Freddie, I feel kinship between us in the manner in which he attacked the music, how he approached his performances on stage. It is hard for me to say, I can not be objective in this case, but clearly modeled on Freddie as an artist.
I know that talking openly about his homosexuality. Do you have a boyfriend?
Yes, my boyfriend and I are together for eighteen months. He is from Finland.
He lives with you in Los Angeles?
So, since we live together in LA, and now come with me to London. We are very pleased with this relationship, we are happy together.
Is also a musician?
No, he is a "personality". In 2007, Finland, won Big Brother, and we met three years later, when I was there on tour. It was love at first sight.
You talk about his sexual orientation with courage, others do not.
I finished 30 years and I have no time to fear what the others think. It's not my problem. I'm worried about my happiness. I want to be honest, I want to be myself. When I stopped to play in the theater, where I could be anyone, and I began performing on the music scene in your own skin, I was very excited.
And your parents to accept?
Yes, they are great. In this respect, I was comfortable upbringing. My parents accept me, and being gay in the art world is not too heavy, although I understand that for some it can be difficult.
Parents do not worry that you will not have any children?
I have children. I can adopt, or talk to the surrogate. Besides, I can do after the baby. Everything I can.
You say, comfortable upbringing. This means that you had a happy childhood in San Diego?
My childhood was wonderful. I have a younger brother by two years, my parents are great. When I came into the world, they were young and at ease
They were musicians?
Fans of the music. My dad was still in college? With a DJ, had a large collection of vinyl records, and my mother knew the words of all the songs, which in those days were on top. My brother plays the piano, because we have a piano at home. I was 10 I started to give in musical theater. Although parents encouraged me to various activities, including sports, but I do not enthuse. The moment he became interested in music, I found that it is a thing where I can finally be good, so from early childhood, I dealt with the music.
Actually, I started studying at university but I spent only 5 weeks and quit.
From what you quit?
Study of theater. I concluded that such a person like me to learn more from practice than in the classroom. I preferred to play and experience the profession firsthand.
You had to have tough skin ...
Yes, but I could only be achieved in practice. I had to dive into show business, feel the rejection, to hear "no" is hard to understand how the profession. That made me a stronger artist and man.
I somehow hate criticism?
At this stage of life? Are you kidding! Of course you would! I'm used to it. All the time I hear some nasty things about yourself. I accept them with the benefit of inventory.
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