Adam Lambert took to Twitter on Thursday to officially introduce his new band line-up to his more than 1.25 million Twitter followers. Although many fans are already familiar with most of the band members, there is a new addition. Adam began the introductions with his new bass player, Ashley Dzerigin, "ladies and gents: for those of you who don't know, please meet @ashleydzerigian - my new badass diva on bass." Ashley is replacing Tommy Joe Ratliff, who played bass for Adam's Glam Nation tour, because Tommy Joe is moving to the position of lead guitar. Adam shared the news, saying, "And mr @TommyJoeRatliff is feat as lead guitar now. He understands my musical vision, plays so tastefully and as an ensemble! Go team!" For those that did not see Tommy on tour, many may remember him from the infamous AMA kiss two years ago. Adam kissed Tommy, who played keyboards that night, causing a controversy that lasted for months. In addition to Tommy and Ashley, Adam introduced Isaac Carpenter and Camilla Grey, both who were part of his band during Glam Nation. He tweeted, "And the incomparable @isaacthecarp on drums!! So in the pocket!!! And the biggest heart..." and added, "And @UhHuhHerMusic's Cam on keys!! A true artist and musician... And a sexy spirit!! Luv ya Cam!!"
Adam's band members are probably already known by many people because of their individual projects. Cam is part of the electro-pop indie band Uh Huh Her. Isaac Carpenter has a long list of credits, having played with Loudermilk, Gosling, and Duff McKagan's LOADED, among others. Ashley Dzerigian was a part of the bands My Jerusalem and Great Northern. Prior to joining Adam Lambert's band, Tommy Joe Ratliff played in several bands in L.A., such as Eat the Crow, Mouthlike, and Turn of the Screw, among others.
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Ok. Twitter party!! But I'm only answering questions bout my brother Neil in honor of his birthday. I'll try not to embarrass him.
@me_ys_itsme_moi: @adamlambert what does Neil think about Sauli ? are they friends ?
Adam: yeah they get along great!!
@HaleyCornish: @adamlambert has Neil always believed you would be as successful as you have become?
Adam: ask Neil. ;)
@charliesabin: @adamlambert was he one of the people that influenced you to become the singer you are?
Adam: we fought a lot as kids but spent a lot of time together. Go figure.
@lydiabowness: @adamlambert what was neil like on tour? Behind the scenes??
Lol :-)
Adam: incredibly helpful.
@OutlawOfLambert: @adamlambert Neil heard the new songs? What do you think about them?
Adam: I really value his opinion of my music. He's loving the album!!! :)
@VestigesLCRI: @adamlambert What have you found out about him that surprised you?
Adam: when we were young I thought we couldn't be more different, now I enjoy noticing how we're alike.
@gaaraluver: @adamlambert Have you ever taken him on on politics? And if so, who won? :)
Adam: NO. I can discuss certain social and historical things w him, but he's very versed in politics and I'm not... I know jack s**t!
@DesireeSj_love: @adamlambert does your brother sing? beautifly like you? ♥ follow back please! please? ^^ love you
Adam: he can def hold a tune. Great sense of pitch. He plays piano beautifully too!
@Morgan_Dancer: @adamlambert what's the craziest outfit you made Neil wear???
Adam: totally put him in drag once at an early age. Lol. He was pretty fierce. He loved the attention.
@MusicKitty18: @Adamlambert What is Neil Really like? is he the way he acts on twitter? 7
Adam: haha. His sarcasm and cynicism are for comic effect... He's actually a sensitive, caring guy. :)
@smushypotato: @adamlambert best memory of you and neil as kids?
Adam: we were both in children's theatre together. Getting to perform alongside my bro was ve
Adam: Alrighty!! Time to enjoy the day. Talk to u all soon! :)