New photo via @RubyLewLA With @adamlambert last night @LA_Rockwell for the Scorsese show. THANK YOU for coming! #standingo
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12 ene 2013
Adam Lambert - New photo via @RubyLewLA
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Adam Lambert photos
Advertisement of Adam Lambert's gig in Minsk [Belarus] for local TV channels - Via katushaAL
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Adam Lambert news,
Adam Lambert video
Adam Lambert - Fan Art via Weibo
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Adam Lambert Fan Art
Adam Lambert - New photo via allybreezy
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Adam Lambert, 19 Recordings 'Amicably' Part Ways - Billboard
Adam Lambert and 19 Recordings have parted ways, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Although the American Idol season eight runner-up had split with 19 Management in August 2011, he remained signed to the recording arm of 19 Entertainment (now owned by CORE Media Group) for another 18 months.
According to sources, January marked the expiration for that contract, although he is still on the roster at RCA Records.
"It's good for both sides," says an insider. "Adam can move forward with his plans and 19 isn't stuck in the middle."
A rep for Lambert says the two parties leave "amicably and with the utmost respect for each other," adding that the decision is but one part of the singer's "evolution," which began when he joined Direct Management Group, home to Katy Perry among other clients.
Since first signing to 19 in 2009, when he advanced to the finals on Idol, the company has seen profits from Lambert's six RCA Records releases, which include two studio albums as well as collections of live recordings and remixes, along with merchandising revenue and other ancillary products.
Although Lambert saw little radio play in the U.S. for his latest offering, Trespassing (which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album chart), his success overseas has cemented his status as an international artist. Aside from appearances at massive events like the MNet Asian Music Awards and The Voice China, the latter of which was watched by some 500 million people, he played with Queen, hosted December's VH1 Divas 2012 special and there are plans for Lambert to tour Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe in 2013.
As for his third album, conversations with the label about direction have already begun.
19 Entertainment still represents a slew of Idol alums, including season 10's James Durbin, Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart and season 11's Colton Dixon, Jessica Sanchez and winner Phillip Phillips, among others.
Although the American Idol season eight runner-up had split with 19 Management in August 2011, he remained signed to the recording arm of 19 Entertainment (now owned by CORE Media Group) for another 18 months.
According to sources, January marked the expiration for that contract, although he is still on the roster at RCA Records.
"It's good for both sides," says an insider. "Adam can move forward with his plans and 19 isn't stuck in the middle."
A rep for Lambert says the two parties leave "amicably and with the utmost respect for each other," adding that the decision is but one part of the singer's "evolution," which began when he joined Direct Management Group, home to Katy Perry among other clients.
Since first signing to 19 in 2009, when he advanced to the finals on Idol, the company has seen profits from Lambert's six RCA Records releases, which include two studio albums as well as collections of live recordings and remixes, along with merchandising revenue and other ancillary products.
Although Lambert saw little radio play in the U.S. for his latest offering, Trespassing (which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album chart), his success overseas has cemented his status as an international artist. Aside from appearances at massive events like the MNet Asian Music Awards and The Voice China, the latter of which was watched by some 500 million people, he played with Queen, hosted December's VH1 Divas 2012 special and there are plans for Lambert to tour Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe in 2013.
As for his third album, conversations with the label about direction have already begun.
19 Entertainment still represents a slew of Idol alums, including season 10's James Durbin, Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart and season 11's Colton Dixon, Jessica Sanchez and winner Phillip Phillips, among others.
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Adam Lambert news
Adam Lambert - INROCK Feb 2013 - Scan by @poochlove2
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Adam Lambert Magazine
Adam Lambert - Fan Art by Bohe - Via @glam_alidol
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Adam Lambert Tweets and RT
Adam Lambert Tweets and RT:
- Bullying sucks. It's true. I feel like we should focus more on helping kids cope and build a thick skin rather than focusing on the bullies?
- RT: @S1ngPianoGuitar @Artistsupporter @adamlambert helping to build their confidence and let them know they don't deserve that treatment is a must.
- RT: @Oshi4Real @adamlambert That's part of it, but kids need role models and a community that supports them. You found community in theater as a kid : )
- RT: @SXMGlambert @adamlambert Bullies will not cease existing; like such problems you should learn to get through it and deal with it. So true
- @keshasuxx My favorite video yet! #CMon
Adam: @keshasuxx you look so cute! Your legs are killin!
- @TheInsecureWolf @adamlambert I've actually becomed more bullied when the teachers started talking about it.
- @RockAngel1993 hey be nice! We've hung out and she's real and down to earth. Supporting a friend.
- Adam:
I just don't want to see this generation develop into a bunch of victims. I want them to be empowered and ignore petty bullshit. How? I think we should encourage kids to make new friends. Reach out to that kid eating alone at lunch. Focus in the positive.
- @RamonaPal @adamlambert oh...and what if I am that kid?
Adam: @RamonaPal I was that kid in middle school. I know how it feels. Lonely. With a circle of friends, kids have allies that build identity.
- @CindyLove2Lurk @adamlambert Bullies have radar as to who is vulnerable.. the bullied become bullies.The goal > instilling confidence&security;in all kids
- @LizaKlek agreed! Comment sections r so disgusting. So much hate and fighting. Almost not worth having them. They pull hits on sites though
- @LizaKlek @adamlambert I think that cyber-bullying is also a HUGE problem now
- Adam: @RamonaPal I was that kid in middle school. I know how it feels. Lonely. With a circle of friends, kids have allies that build identity.
- @igobymanynames @adamlambert Adam, feeling isolated in middle school is not the same as being victim of sustained physical and or psychological bullying
Adam: @igobymanynames when did I say it was?
- Adam:
it's a case by case thing. If someone's being so viciously bullied that its affecting their mental health - yes- huge problem we must stop But because its become such a trendy way to identify certain kinds of typical teenage angst, I hope it's not making it worse.
- @zorabet @adamlambert Again, it is the responsibility of people not to bully each other. It is no one's responsibility to be able to handle bullying.
Adam: @zorabet I disagree. I think it's everyone's responsibility. The only ones we should truly have power over is ourselves.
- @King_Styles @adamlambert OH FUCK OFF.
Adam: @King_Styles woah dude. Just having a thoughtful conversation. Cool it.
- Adam:
The irony of course is how this is all viewed outside of school, in the adult world. The celebrity scene is a prime example. Celebrities are bullied online, by tabloids & paps, yet there's a strong opinion in society that "we asked for this, part of the job" Yet w/ social networking taking over, isnt society emulating celebrity culture by posting pics and updates of themselves to a broad audience So with fame having become the new American Dream, are we punishing those who have 'made it' with our own inferiority complexities? Envy?
- @Marianavitas2 @adamlambert everything it's bullying now.If people just annoy u sometimes IS NOT bullying
Adam: @Marianavitas2 exactly!!!
- Adam: And btw it's one thing to constructively criticize someone's work or decisions, it's another to attack their very essence. Right?
- RT @classicroc4ever @adamlambert Bullies have insecurities within themselves and I believe this is why they are so brutal projecting isses onto others
- @scootachu my point is that this bullying issue shouldn't be as conditional as it secretly is. We should be nice to each other. ALL of us
- RT: @lillylane1962 @adamlambert "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. :) Oscar Wilde
- RT: @randomhandler @adamlambert Agreed! I do get carried away with my own snark/sarcasm from time to time and now feel inclined to reflect on my own behavior.
- Adam: I'm not quite sure of how any of what I'm tweeting would be disappointing to anyone.... Someone explain? We are having a twitter forum!
- RT: @darpf @adamlambert i think 1 thing that is very sad is many of the glamberts agreeing with you are bullies themselves, see it every day on twitter
- Adam: Back to the original point, I simply wish we'd focus more energy on the victims' empowerment versus labeling anyone whos negative as a bully
- @hide_n_confide2 @adamlambert maybe your wording has made you seem to be Victim Blaming? Or maybe you aren't really talking abt real bullying
Adam: @hide_n_confide2 I never blame the victim of bullying for it. That's CRAy. I just want to help victims not be so easily victimized. Ya know?
- Adam: The reason I brought up how society tends to view celebrity culture was to suggest the sometimes hypocritical aspect to victim/bullying. Sometimes it seems that folks adopt an "eye for an eye" attitude instead of just rising above it. Doesn't this just become a vicious cycle? And NO. I'm not taking sides in any of the current celeb beefs. This is a general conversation. More about society as a whole. im not saying there shouldn't be consequences for bullies. I'm saying that HELPING folks cope and ignore is ALSO important more proactive Ok I've ranted enough on this soapbox that is twitter. I love a good discussion. Grateful for everyone's insight- been enlightening. #exhale And FYI- ANYONE is welcome in this Glamily. ANYONE. Please be welcoming and kind. Quit cyber fighting.
- @nrhgardner @adamlambert Let's beef Lambert. Right here, right now.
Adam: @nrhgardner where's the beef?? Lol
- @nrhgardner @adamlambert Ha! Right here! What what!
Adam: @nrhgardner beefcake!
- @evanrachelwood I always feel bad for the "bully" as well as the "victim" something is obviously missing from that persons life. Love perhaps. @adamlambert
Adam: @evanrachelwood I love YOU! Ugh!
- Rove McManus @Rove @adamlambert Fight the good fight. I'm pleased to know twitter can be more than just people saying what they had for breakfast.
Adam: @Rove I had eggs though
- @Rove @adamlambert Now I'm hungry.
Adam: @Rove want some beef?
- @Rove @adamlambert If that's your pick up line, then YES!
Adam: @Rove I gotta man Rove. Calm down. ;)
- Bullying sucks. It's true. I feel like we should focus more on helping kids cope and build a thick skin rather than focusing on the bullies?
- RT: @S1ngPianoGuitar @Artistsupporter @adamlambert helping to build their confidence and let them know they don't deserve that treatment is a must.
- RT: @Oshi4Real @adamlambert That's part of it, but kids need role models and a community that supports them. You found community in theater as a kid : )
- RT: @SXMGlambert @adamlambert Bullies will not cease existing; like such problems you should learn to get through it and deal with it. So true
- @keshasuxx My favorite video yet! #CMon
Adam: @keshasuxx you look so cute! Your legs are killin!
- @TheInsecureWolf @adamlambert I've actually becomed more bullied when the teachers started talking about it.
- @RockAngel1993 hey be nice! We've hung out and she's real and down to earth. Supporting a friend.
- Adam:
I just don't want to see this generation develop into a bunch of victims. I want them to be empowered and ignore petty bullshit. How? I think we should encourage kids to make new friends. Reach out to that kid eating alone at lunch. Focus in the positive.
- @RamonaPal @adamlambert oh...and what if I am that kid?
Adam: @RamonaPal I was that kid in middle school. I know how it feels. Lonely. With a circle of friends, kids have allies that build identity.
- @CindyLove2Lurk @adamlambert Bullies have radar as to who is vulnerable.. the bullied become bullies.The goal > instilling confidence&security;in all kids
- @LizaKlek agreed! Comment sections r so disgusting. So much hate and fighting. Almost not worth having them. They pull hits on sites though
- @LizaKlek @adamlambert I think that cyber-bullying is also a HUGE problem now
- Adam: @RamonaPal I was that kid in middle school. I know how it feels. Lonely. With a circle of friends, kids have allies that build identity.
- @igobymanynames @adamlambert Adam, feeling isolated in middle school is not the same as being victim of sustained physical and or psychological bullying
Adam: @igobymanynames when did I say it was?
- Adam:
it's a case by case thing. If someone's being so viciously bullied that its affecting their mental health - yes- huge problem we must stop But because its become such a trendy way to identify certain kinds of typical teenage angst, I hope it's not making it worse.
- @zorabet @adamlambert Again, it is the responsibility of people not to bully each other. It is no one's responsibility to be able to handle bullying.
Adam: @zorabet I disagree. I think it's everyone's responsibility. The only ones we should truly have power over is ourselves.
- @King_Styles @adamlambert OH FUCK OFF.
Adam: @King_Styles woah dude. Just having a thoughtful conversation. Cool it.
- Adam:
The irony of course is how this is all viewed outside of school, in the adult world. The celebrity scene is a prime example. Celebrities are bullied online, by tabloids & paps, yet there's a strong opinion in society that "we asked for this, part of the job" Yet w/ social networking taking over, isnt society emulating celebrity culture by posting pics and updates of themselves to a broad audience So with fame having become the new American Dream, are we punishing those who have 'made it' with our own inferiority complexities? Envy?
- @Marianavitas2 @adamlambert everything it's bullying now.If people just annoy u sometimes IS NOT bullying
Adam: @Marianavitas2 exactly!!!
- Adam: And btw it's one thing to constructively criticize someone's work or decisions, it's another to attack their very essence. Right?
- RT @classicroc4ever @adamlambert Bullies have insecurities within themselves and I believe this is why they are so brutal projecting isses onto others
- @scootachu my point is that this bullying issue shouldn't be as conditional as it secretly is. We should be nice to each other. ALL of us
- RT: @lillylane1962 @adamlambert "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. :) Oscar Wilde
- RT: @randomhandler @adamlambert Agreed! I do get carried away with my own snark/sarcasm from time to time and now feel inclined to reflect on my own behavior.
- Adam: I'm not quite sure of how any of what I'm tweeting would be disappointing to anyone.... Someone explain? We are having a twitter forum!
- RT: @darpf @adamlambert i think 1 thing that is very sad is many of the glamberts agreeing with you are bullies themselves, see it every day on twitter
- Adam: Back to the original point, I simply wish we'd focus more energy on the victims' empowerment versus labeling anyone whos negative as a bully
- @hide_n_confide2 @adamlambert maybe your wording has made you seem to be Victim Blaming? Or maybe you aren't really talking abt real bullying
Adam: @hide_n_confide2 I never blame the victim of bullying for it. That's CRAy. I just want to help victims not be so easily victimized. Ya know?
- Adam: The reason I brought up how society tends to view celebrity culture was to suggest the sometimes hypocritical aspect to victim/bullying. Sometimes it seems that folks adopt an "eye for an eye" attitude instead of just rising above it. Doesn't this just become a vicious cycle? And NO. I'm not taking sides in any of the current celeb beefs. This is a general conversation. More about society as a whole. im not saying there shouldn't be consequences for bullies. I'm saying that HELPING folks cope and ignore is ALSO important more proactive Ok I've ranted enough on this soapbox that is twitter. I love a good discussion. Grateful for everyone's insight- been enlightening. #exhale And FYI- ANYONE is welcome in this Glamily. ANYONE. Please be welcoming and kind. Quit cyber fighting.
- @nrhgardner @adamlambert Let's beef Lambert. Right here, right now.
Adam: @nrhgardner where's the beef?? Lol
- @nrhgardner @adamlambert Ha! Right here! What what!
Adam: @nrhgardner beefcake!
- @evanrachelwood I always feel bad for the "bully" as well as the "victim" something is obviously missing from that persons life. Love perhaps. @adamlambert
Adam: @evanrachelwood I love YOU! Ugh!
- Rove McManus @Rove @adamlambert Fight the good fight. I'm pleased to know twitter can be more than just people saying what they had for breakfast.
Adam: @Rove I had eggs though
- @Rove @adamlambert Now I'm hungry.
Adam: @Rove want some beef?
- @Rove @adamlambert If that's your pick up line, then YES!
Adam: @Rove I gotta man Rove. Calm down. ;)
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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