Adam Lambert’s It Gets Better video has just passed one million views since being posted online less than a year ago. Adam made and released his It Gets Better video last October. The video sends a strong, positive message to LGBT youth by encouraging them to be who they are and not be bullied, because otherwise the bullies win.
A clip of Adam’s video was shown on television in May, when an ad for Google Chrome browser featuring the It Gets Better project debuted on Fox television during an episode of Glee. The ad promoted the project and included snippets from various celebrity “It Gets Better” videos, including the one made by Adam.
<---If you have not already seen Adam’s It Gets Better video, or you would just like to watch it again, click on the video link to the left. It Gets Better is a project aimed at LGBT youth to show them that despite being bullied at a young age, it will get better for them in the future. A benefactor of the It Gets Better Project is The Trevor Project, which provides resources to end suicide among LGBT youth.