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28 ago 2012
Adam Lambert on Pretty Little Liars 3x13 Promo "This is a Dark Ride" Halloween Special (HD) - Via televisionpromos
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Adam Lambert Tweet: Twats from the pillow
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Adam Lambert Tweets and Twitter Party - 08-28-2012:
Adam Lambert Tweet:
- Tossin and turning jet lag!!!
- Can't stop thinking about the list of things I pledge to do tht aren't career related this week. It's time to re-connect w friends and craft
- Ambien induced twitter party ! May short lived and skirt surrealism.
Twitter Party:
- darcey nelson @darcnelson:
@adamlambert still tongue dive?? ;) maybe 3rd time a charm for me;) <3>3>
- Adam: @darcnelson not now doll, I ain't single anymore.
- Monica @Glambert_Lady25:
@adamlambert Have U ever watched Queer As Folk ? :D
- Adam: @Glambert_Lady25 yeah I used to jerk off to it. (UK version)
- Valery @lerunchick
@adamlambert did you see the final episode of True Blood? Do you like it?
- Adam: @lerunchick caught up all day today. Love TrueBlood.
- LILLIPOP :P@--- @lilybop2010:
@adamlambert A recent WWFM w/ keys, symbols reminded me of Queen. Was that the intention? It's gorgeous.
- Adam: @lilybop2010 naw. U were prob just projecting.
- Adam: @adamlambert
Ambien induced twitter party ! May short lived and skirt surrealism.
- Adam: @JennyRunsToo eating healthy veganish food and de-puffing
- Adam: @arwa_buraik What is that avi!!? Lol some of y'all are so cray.. Lol as if there was some big love triangle conspiracy. God how exciting !
- Lidia Ratliff Koala @Liduteczek
@adamlambert what it feels like to sing with queen?
- Adam: @Liduteczek royal
- Olya Lambert @DREAMaboutADAM:
@adamlambert when will be your single? you promised it and forgot!!! :(
- Adam: @DREAMaboutADAM oh Olya- I didn't forget. I just can't say yet. For promotional strategic reasons. Trust a bitch!
- Roxy @RoxyHatesYou:
@adamlambert what's the last movie you watched?
- Adam: @RoxyHatesYou saw Snow White and the Huntsmen on the plane. Really awesome production design and visual fx! Gorgeous.
- Adam: @UKglambertini71 I ....can't...stop.... Tweeeeeeee
- SleepwalkerAries @SleepwalkrAries
@adamlambert If you were running through a tall-grass prairie, what color would you wear to capture the mood?
- Adam: @SleepwalkrAries purple. Lol
- Steph. @Meandmyradio:
@adamlambert top or bottom??? ;-D
- Adam: @Meandmyradio top
- kinkykiedis @kinkykiedis:
@adamlambert Are you excited for Saturdays show? It seemed a little last minute, was it?
-Adam: @kinkykiedis It's not a full show. It's a club appearance. Its a big gay dance party. I'm performing to get a better look at the guys. Lol
- lili Black @liliyGlambert9:
@adamlambert What Do you think about @NICKIMINAJ ?
- Adam: @liliyGlambert9 i think she's a good entertainer. Skilled rapper. Wig expert. ;)
- Bren @crazyforadam:
@adamlambert Would LOVE for u to perform w/ Rhianna.. that way Me AND Hubby would be satisfied!
- Adam: @crazyforadam just give me the time and place. Lol
- ANGEL @angelbaby000:
@adamlambert see what Ambien does? Try melatonin! Natural (of course I have to take like 10Mg)
- Adam: @angelbaby000 I took some earlier. This ain't my first rodeo mama
- Sveta @svetapeabody:
@adamlambert who's you favorite designer? :D
- Adam: @svetapeabody Gareth Pugh makes me happy
- Adam: Goodnight beautiful Glamberts. Try and be your most authentic, honest self today.
- L!SU @xLisek:
@adamlambert your version of 'is this love' is amazing! Have you ever recorded or written any other reagge songs? I want to hear it! ;)
Adam:@xLisek check out "By the Rules" bonus international cut from Trespassing. It goes there.
- Tossin and turning jet lag!!!
- Can't stop thinking about the list of things I pledge to do tht aren't career related this week. It's time to re-connect w friends and craft
- Ambien induced twitter party ! May short lived and skirt surrealism.
Twitter Party:
- darcey nelson @darcnelson:
@adamlambert still tongue dive?? ;) maybe 3rd time a charm for me;) <3>3>
- Adam: @darcnelson not now doll, I ain't single anymore.
- Monica @Glambert_Lady25:
@adamlambert Have U ever watched Queer As Folk ? :D
- Adam: @Glambert_Lady25 yeah I used to jerk off to it. (UK version)
- Valery @lerunchick
@adamlambert did you see the final episode of True Blood? Do you like it?
- Adam: @lerunchick caught up all day today. Love TrueBlood.
- LILLIPOP :P@--- @lilybop2010:
@adamlambert A recent WWFM w/ keys, symbols reminded me of Queen. Was that the intention? It's gorgeous.
- Adam: @lilybop2010 naw. U were prob just projecting.
- Adam: @adamlambert
Ambien induced twitter party ! May short lived and skirt surrealism.
- Adam: @JennyRunsToo eating healthy veganish food and de-puffing
- Adam: @arwa_buraik What is that avi!!? Lol some of y'all are so cray.. Lol as if there was some big love triangle conspiracy. God how exciting !
- Lidia Ratliff Koala @Liduteczek
@adamlambert what it feels like to sing with queen?
- Adam: @Liduteczek royal
- Olya Lambert @DREAMaboutADAM:
@adamlambert when will be your single? you promised it and forgot!!! :(
- Adam: @DREAMaboutADAM oh Olya- I didn't forget. I just can't say yet. For promotional strategic reasons. Trust a bitch!
- Roxy @RoxyHatesYou:
@adamlambert what's the last movie you watched?
- Adam: @RoxyHatesYou saw Snow White and the Huntsmen on the plane. Really awesome production design and visual fx! Gorgeous.
- Adam: @UKglambertini71 I ....can't...stop.... Tweeeeeeee
- SleepwalkerAries @SleepwalkrAries
@adamlambert If you were running through a tall-grass prairie, what color would you wear to capture the mood?
- Adam: @SleepwalkrAries purple. Lol
- Steph. @Meandmyradio:
@adamlambert top or bottom??? ;-D
- Adam: @Meandmyradio top
- kinkykiedis @kinkykiedis:
@adamlambert Are you excited for Saturdays show? It seemed a little last minute, was it?
-Adam: @kinkykiedis It's not a full show. It's a club appearance. Its a big gay dance party. I'm performing to get a better look at the guys. Lol
- lili Black @liliyGlambert9:
@adamlambert What Do you think about @NICKIMINAJ ?
- Adam: @liliyGlambert9 i think she's a good entertainer. Skilled rapper. Wig expert. ;)
- Bren @crazyforadam:
@adamlambert Would LOVE for u to perform w/ Rhianna.. that way Me AND Hubby would be satisfied!
- Adam: @crazyforadam just give me the time and place. Lol
- ANGEL @angelbaby000:
@adamlambert see what Ambien does? Try melatonin! Natural (of course I have to take like 10Mg)
- Adam: @angelbaby000 I took some earlier. This ain't my first rodeo mama
- Sveta @svetapeabody:
@adamlambert who's you favorite designer? :D
- Adam: @svetapeabody Gareth Pugh makes me happy
- Adam: Goodnight beautiful Glamberts. Try and be your most authentic, honest self today.
- L!SU @xLisek:
@adamlambert your version of 'is this love' is amazing! Have you ever recorded or written any other reagge songs? I want to hear it! ;)
Adam:@xLisek check out "By the Rules" bonus international cut from Trespassing. It goes there.
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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