Here's just another friendly reminder that Adam Lambert CAN DO NO WRONG, which obvs includes his never taking a bad picture (any doubters out there, check out the proof: this picture, and this one, and this one). Clearly, Adam has the precious gift of looking perfect at any angle, in any light, and in any hair color (#blessed). But the above photo really takes the win because it features the most epic neck porn we've ever seen (and yes, necks are a very real thing to be in to -- shout out to fellow Glambert @therealkimberly for introducing us to the term "neck porn"). We are officially intrigued by this whole new neck-themed world! #GLAMPIRE.
The "Never Close Our Eyes" singer shared the photogenic shot on Instagram (look! He's wearing another pair of sexy leather arm warmer thingies!) where he looks like he's in the middle of DOMINATING the room. So where do we go from here? Well, first we plan to use this photo as a lovely memento to ogle and imagine before our eyes at yoga class. Then, we plan to publish a tastefully done coffee table book only composed of Adam's flawless neck pics. Amazing? Completely. Creepy? You bet. But you don't chose passion projects, guys. They choose YOU.
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10 ene 2013
Adam Lambert - Fan Art by @ListoffSAY
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Adam Lambert Fan Art,
Adam Lambert photos
Adam Lambert in Australia's New Weekly Magazine - Via @Gretski06
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Adam Lambert Magazine
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert photos
Adam Lambert - Twitter Party Complete
Adam Lambert - Twitter Party Complete:
- @TrespassMyAss @adamlambert So will there be a Trespassing music video? :)
- Adam: @TrespassMyAss prob not darlin... Sorry.
- @insomniac19 I was just about to go to bed, too! Damn you @adamlambert! Haha!'s the detox/cleanse going? I'm on Day Two.
- Adam: @insomniac19 ooh it's a min over matter thing. Ha. But I feel good. Then weird. Then good. :)
- @kkkkkickinin @adamlambert is sauli cute or hot?
-Adam: @kkkkkickinin both. Duh
- @Jaimedel521 @adamlambert when r u coming back to Philly?
- Adam: @Jaimedel521 I don't know anything about travel after the dates that have already been announced.
- @Cattibrie78 @adamlambert Where did Sauli get those Aries horns? My friend wants them! :)
- Adam: @Cattibrie78 ask Raja! We were playing dress up in his closet
- @BeauCommeUnDieu @adamlambert - do you like the red or black licorice
- Adam: @BeauCommeUnDieu red
- @saraplusadamm @adamlambert would you see rock of ages ? Vegas just got it on the strip and I thought it was amazing!
- Adam: saraplusadamm I saw it years ago in LA when it first started. I actually auditioned for it but didn't get it. It's a cute show I enjoyed
- @glamerizemeadam @adamlambert how's the weather where you are?
- Adam: @glamerizemeadam it's actually a little cold for LA.
- @lisaharrington4 @adamlambert any style changes for 2013...u must be bored by's already Jan 9th;)
- Adam: @lisaharrington4 nothing planned- u should know by now I'm pretty impulsive. :)
- @MoonbeamJO @adamlambert Are you still feeling Jet lagged?
- Adam: @MoonbeamJO yeah ;(
- @StoneAngelL @adamlambert Always have been interested in what book do you really love? Maybe it made influence on you?
- Adam: @StoneAngelL there's a book called "The Velvet Rage". It's a non-fictional sociological study of the Gay community. Very enlightening.
- @55glamgal @adamlambert Why do radio stations always ask you the same questions? Do they really not know the answers?
- Adam: @55glamgal hahah yeah it gets redundant sometimes. But they mean well.
- @AlliaChulov @adamlambert What role did you audition for in Glee?
- Adam: @AlliaChulov Fin. Hahahha def a stretch. They said- u have a great voice but ur too old! Lol
- @GlitterMuppet @adamlambert if you could just take off, anywhere you wanted to, right now, where would you go?
- Adam: @GlitterMuppet I want to visit Rio or Barcelona.
- @featheredraven @adamlambert If you could name your facial hair, what would it be? Would you keep the fandom name of Melvin?!? haha - Adam: @featheredraven I wouldn't name it at all. Ha!
- Adam: @adamlambert Have u all seen previews for the cool movies coming out? "Beautiful creatures" and "the mortal instruments" look so cool!
- @ChocolateThirst @adamlambert I love love love how Emmy Rossum is in beautiful creatures. she's the full package
- Adam: @ChocolateThirst yeah she's great on Shameless too. I love that show. Excited for the new season!
- @NicolaHaldezos @adamlambert have you ever thought if traveling to the Greek Islands :D
- Adam: @NicolaHaldezos that would be fun!
- @bayoulady60 @adamlambert So what body parts would you name ;) Don't answer me lol
- Adam: @bayoulady60 no names. Just Adam.
- @monfurt @adamlambert Do you think it'd be fun to be on glee now?
- Adam: @monfurt totally. ;)
- @InNirvanaStay_ @adamlambert would you dye your hair purple or something crazy like that?
- Adam: @InNirvanaStay_ ya never know
- @sumrandomgurl @adamlambert what's ur new favorite TVTV series u r addicted to....
-Adam: @sumrandomgurl favs are American Horror Story, Dexter, mad men, Breaking bad, californication, weeds (now over), shameless, downton abbey
- @sumrandomgurl @adamlambert what's ur new favorite TVTV series u r addicted to....
- Adam: @sumrandomgurl glee, smash,
- @bravaavani47 @adamlambert Any little OCD quirks you find flaring up when you're at home?
- Adam: @bravaavani47 yeah I can't put this damned phone down hahah
- @BUSYBEE8 @adamlambert what's your favorite character on Downton Abbey? Mine is Daisy, she gets no respect
- Adam: @BUSYBEE8 I love Maggie Smith
- @HalienSweetHART @adamlambert Are you a fan of Haley Reinhart?
-Adam: @HalienSweetHART yes! Her voice is rad.
- @sevenxdaizy @adamlambert Opinions on One Direction?
-Adam: @sevenxdaizy they look like they're having a great time. High, playful energy. Well produced music.
- @DREAMaboutADAM @adamlambert Will we ever see trespassing video or we just must waiting?
- Adam: @DREAMaboutADAM it prob ain't gonna happen. ;(
- @sandraAML @adamlambert hmm... what is Sauli's favorite song from Trespassing?
- Adam: @sandraAML Sauli likes the Pharell tracks. And Broken English
- @_paperm00n @adamlambert can u help me with my homework
- Adam: @_paperm00n sure! What's the subject. Question?
- @_paperm00n @adamlambert who would the target audience when writing a monologue
- Adam: @_paperm00n mmm I guess anyone that wanted to be active? Lol
- @ItsSkyyxX @adamlambert What's your favorite position? I mean what! Too much?
- Adam: @ItsSkyyxX naughty
- @adamlambert Has anyone ever told you that Trespassing is such a great fucking album? You're welcome. ;)
- Adam @kepilynn808 thank you!
- @galyachernikova @adamlambert i want on the next your album songs in ROCK style. *whole lotta love*
- Adam: @galyachernikova *wink*
- @TrespassMyAss @adamlambert So will there be a Trespassing music video? :)
- Adam: @TrespassMyAss prob not darlin... Sorry.
- @insomniac19 I was just about to go to bed, too! Damn you @adamlambert! Haha!'s the detox/cleanse going? I'm on Day Two.
- Adam: @insomniac19 ooh it's a min over matter thing. Ha. But I feel good. Then weird. Then good. :)
- @kkkkkickinin @adamlambert is sauli cute or hot?
-Adam: @kkkkkickinin both. Duh
- @Jaimedel521 @adamlambert when r u coming back to Philly?
- Adam: @Jaimedel521 I don't know anything about travel after the dates that have already been announced.
- @Cattibrie78 @adamlambert Where did Sauli get those Aries horns? My friend wants them! :)
- Adam: @Cattibrie78 ask Raja! We were playing dress up in his closet
- @BeauCommeUnDieu @adamlambert - do you like the red or black licorice
- Adam: @BeauCommeUnDieu red
- @saraplusadamm @adamlambert would you see rock of ages ? Vegas just got it on the strip and I thought it was amazing!
- Adam: saraplusadamm I saw it years ago in LA when it first started. I actually auditioned for it but didn't get it. It's a cute show I enjoyed
- @glamerizemeadam @adamlambert how's the weather where you are?
- Adam: @glamerizemeadam it's actually a little cold for LA.
- @lisaharrington4 @adamlambert any style changes for 2013...u must be bored by's already Jan 9th;)
- Adam: @lisaharrington4 nothing planned- u should know by now I'm pretty impulsive. :)
- @MoonbeamJO @adamlambert Are you still feeling Jet lagged?
- Adam: @MoonbeamJO yeah ;(
- @StoneAngelL @adamlambert Always have been interested in what book do you really love? Maybe it made influence on you?
- Adam: @StoneAngelL there's a book called "The Velvet Rage". It's a non-fictional sociological study of the Gay community. Very enlightening.
- @55glamgal @adamlambert Why do radio stations always ask you the same questions? Do they really not know the answers?
- Adam: @55glamgal hahah yeah it gets redundant sometimes. But they mean well.
- @AlliaChulov @adamlambert What role did you audition for in Glee?
- Adam: @AlliaChulov Fin. Hahahha def a stretch. They said- u have a great voice but ur too old! Lol
- @GlitterMuppet @adamlambert if you could just take off, anywhere you wanted to, right now, where would you go?
- Adam: @GlitterMuppet I want to visit Rio or Barcelona.
- @featheredraven @adamlambert If you could name your facial hair, what would it be? Would you keep the fandom name of Melvin?!? haha - Adam: @featheredraven I wouldn't name it at all. Ha!
- Adam: @adamlambert Have u all seen previews for the cool movies coming out? "Beautiful creatures" and "the mortal instruments" look so cool!
- @ChocolateThirst @adamlambert I love love love how Emmy Rossum is in beautiful creatures. she's the full package
- Adam: @ChocolateThirst yeah she's great on Shameless too. I love that show. Excited for the new season!
- @NicolaHaldezos @adamlambert have you ever thought if traveling to the Greek Islands :D
- Adam: @NicolaHaldezos that would be fun!
- @bayoulady60 @adamlambert So what body parts would you name ;) Don't answer me lol
- Adam: @bayoulady60 no names. Just Adam.
- @monfurt @adamlambert Do you think it'd be fun to be on glee now?
- Adam: @monfurt totally. ;)
- @InNirvanaStay_ @adamlambert would you dye your hair purple or something crazy like that?
- Adam: @InNirvanaStay_ ya never know
- @sumrandomgurl @adamlambert what's ur new favorite TVTV series u r addicted to....
-Adam: @sumrandomgurl favs are American Horror Story, Dexter, mad men, Breaking bad, californication, weeds (now over), shameless, downton abbey
- @sumrandomgurl @adamlambert what's ur new favorite TVTV series u r addicted to....
- Adam: @sumrandomgurl glee, smash,
- @bravaavani47 @adamlambert Any little OCD quirks you find flaring up when you're at home?
- Adam: @bravaavani47 yeah I can't put this damned phone down hahah
- @BUSYBEE8 @adamlambert what's your favorite character on Downton Abbey? Mine is Daisy, she gets no respect
- Adam: @BUSYBEE8 I love Maggie Smith
- @HalienSweetHART @adamlambert Are you a fan of Haley Reinhart?
-Adam: @HalienSweetHART yes! Her voice is rad.
- @sevenxdaizy @adamlambert Opinions on One Direction?
-Adam: @sevenxdaizy they look like they're having a great time. High, playful energy. Well produced music.
- @DREAMaboutADAM @adamlambert Will we ever see trespassing video or we just must waiting?
- Adam: @DREAMaboutADAM it prob ain't gonna happen. ;(
- @sandraAML @adamlambert hmm... what is Sauli's favorite song from Trespassing?
- Adam: @sandraAML Sauli likes the Pharell tracks. And Broken English
- @_paperm00n @adamlambert can u help me with my homework
- Adam: @_paperm00n sure! What's the subject. Question?
- @_paperm00n @adamlambert who would the target audience when writing a monologue
- Adam: @_paperm00n mmm I guess anyone that wanted to be active? Lol
- @ItsSkyyxX @adamlambert What's your favorite position? I mean what! Too much?
- Adam: @ItsSkyyxX naughty
- @adamlambert Has anyone ever told you that Trespassing is such a great fucking album? You're welcome. ;)
- Adam @kepilynn808 thank you!
- @galyachernikova @adamlambert i want on the next your album songs in ROCK style. *whole lotta love*
- Adam: @galyachernikova *wink*
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert news
Adam Lambert Tweet: Just posted a photo
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Adam Lambert photos
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