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2 feb 2012
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Adam Lambert in London 02-02-2012
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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Twitter Transcription of Adam Lambert Tweets from Heat & heatworld
Adam here #adamonheat
@Finnberta_: Is there going to be new single before album release?
@Finnberta_ MAAAAAAYBE :)
@TarrynWilliams: Hey Adam! It would mean a lot if you could wish me good luck on our opening night performance of Les Miserables at school!
@TarrynWilliams Good luck on your opening night!!! Break a leg
@NidaIrshad_96: Which song from Trespassing are you the most excited to perform live? :) @heatworld #AdamOnHeat
@NidaIrshad_96 ALL of them!!!
@TommysBitch28: hey Adam I was wondering if the song formerly known as "Freak Flag" made the cut for the album & if so can u tell us the new name
@TommysBitch28 That wasnt a song... it was a working lyric... one that was changed... haha yall are paying SUCH close attention!
@adamfascinated: Hi adam! there's a song called "Naked Love" in ur upcoming album? Is That true? :)
@adamfascinated Thats true! NAKED LUV is an upcoming song! really great catchy happy pop!
@OutlawOfLambert: What words would you describe your #BTIKM clip?
@OutlawOfLambert The Clip is ONE half of the whole....an intro to the light part of me.
@monalee62: Adam, Is all the songs for the album picked? Is light and dark on different sides?
@monalee62 ALMOST :0
@juliambert: that ratty sweater you're wearing in the "Better Than I know Myself" vid is yours or a prop? #loveit #adamonheat
@juliambert Its mine now. :) Ratty? Nope - stylist said it was $$$ lol
@katiush_a: We already know 11 songs from Trespassing!! What's the title of 12th?
@katush_a are you sure about that?? hehe
@Loredana2: Are you and Monte no longer working together or do you just have different schedules at he moment? #AdamOnHeat
@Loredana2 thats finished... bridge was burned
@ailaah: What´s the difference between deluxe and ordinary edition of TRESPASSING? #adamonheat
@ailaah The Deluxe will have bonus tracks
@freaky_glambert: how different is the studio version of Trespassing fron the snippet we heard at Snowcase?
@freaky_glambert Pharrell produced it... what do you think? :) its gonna hit HARD
@Kathryn17: Adam: Do we spell Cuckoo like that or like this, Cookoo??! LOL ;p #adamonheat
@Kathryn17 after much debate its CUCKOO
@jristen: HOW MANY THO??????????
@jristen prob 3 or 4
@Kathryn17: Do u think the reason you chose the duality concept for #Trespassing was bc u have recently found ur happy medium? #adamonheat
@Kathryn17 I will always be working on it. Life is about balance... co-existence... compromise....
@Canadian_Paula: What song are you MOST looking forward to your fans hearing? #AdamOnHeat
@Canadian_Paula KICKIN IN is gonna be a big surprise... another Pharrell masterpiece... its gonna make da kidz moooove
@EUTheGlamily: What made you choose the title #Trespassing tho? #adamonheat
@EUTheGlamily The track is the albums Mission statement. its almost like a disclaimer for the things to come...
@Chris3Austin: What do you see yourself doing if you weren't a fantastically AMAZING singer??? :D
@Chris3Austin Therapist or Stylist. Although in some respects those are the same job
@55glamgal: @adamlambert cannot get the beat of Trespassing out of my mind. Do you find yourself humming ur own songs or someone else's?
@55glamgal @adamlambert Girl- you havent heard that beat yet.... lol just get ready. I hum whatevers in my head... sometimes
@AdamLambertBE: Do you already know what song your 2nd single is going to be?
@AdamLambertBE Nope... theres about four in the running... theyre all massive... im so excited
@riley1877: Are you going to the Grammy's?
@riley1877 NAw... not this year... i got work to do..
@Susie_Squee: How are you going to exploit dark / light theme on tour? ♥ U xoxo
@Susie_Squee Not sure yet... youre WAY ahead of me... I gotta get the album out first!!
@MistyGlitter: Is the album version of Trespassing a lot different than the acoustic version you did in Austria.
@MistyGlitter YES... naturally. that was an acoustic preview... The track is so sexy....
@Ryden_Smiles: We have heard OUTLAWS OF LOVE in acoustic ... studio recording will surprise us?
@Ryden_Smiles The studio version is much more cinematic. More instrumention. But still an organic feel...
@AleksandraKv: Is Trespassing hard to sing? You make it sound so easy, I was just wondering...
@AleksandraKv Feels soooo good to sing....
@lissaluvsmusic: with so many hot pop dance songs in the running for next single, what was the thinking behind BTIKM for the first one? #LuvItBtw
@lissaluvsmusic Before we I take ya'll to the club, i wanted to connect emotionally with you. Wanted to admit some faults.
@grace2010xoxo: tweet meeeeee, I'm gonna dieeeee,, haha haha Loooove yooooou
@grace2010xoxo hello miss thing
@Karenper: Adam, is there some dubstep in one of your songs?
@Karenper theres dashes of dubstep here and there... used like spice in a recipe...
@kvazimorda: What the most important thing you realized being 30 years old? Is there a life after 30? #adamonheat
@kvazimorda I feel renewed..... i have so much to look forward to. a new decade. fuck yeah
@britrox_97: favorite lyric from btikm?
@britrox_97 "I can be obnoxious at times but try and see my heart"
@mistyuk No i drink lots of water.
@katush_a: What songs from Trespassing describe your dark side?? Is "Cuckoo" one of them?
@katush_a CUCKOO is def on the light side of the album.... its about the freedom in loosing your mind...
@Hungarevival: @adamlambert what is the balance of upbeat and slow songs on the album?
@Hungarevival @adamlambert about half and half....
@Glamfate: Will the song "Get Over It" be on the album? #AdamOnHeat I loved the demo i heard!
@Glamfate Nope... :(
@aileyisabitch: can i touch your butt
@aileyisabitch oooh yeah baby lol
@BillieMalamas: In the BTIKM video, did you prefer playing the light side or the dark side? Please answer!!
@BillieMalamas Both sides were extreme representations of my personality... the light was relaxing ...dark was sorta theraputic...
@PersianGlamDr: @Glamfate what about UNDERNEATH ?!
@PersianGlamDr @Glamfate Underneath is one of the darkest, most vulnerable tracks...
@cynicalshadows: Did you come up with the concept for the BTIKM video yourself?
@cynicalshadows @adamlambert I collaborated with Ray Kay on the concept...
@CrazzyGlambert: does the dark side of life always feel bad? and the light side always good?
@CrazzyGlambert No. The album attempts to show how nothing and noone is that black and white... there are shades of gray.
Last question lovelies
@majailia: Tresspassing lyrics: My heart is gold my body RAD?
@majailia "My heart is GOLD my body is GLASS. C'mon baby Cant you see?"
Thank you all for a great chat!!!! Trespassing is coming soon!!!!
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Adam Lambert Help ♥

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