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14 oct 2010

Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert: Fashion Icons of Hollywood

Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert may not have much in common as far as their music goes but both of them are truly fashion icons of Hollywood. There are stars that carry themselves with grace and then there are once who follow the trend. But Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert do not fall in any of those categories. They set the bar with every award ceremony, premiere or event appearance.

Lady Gaga recently took the crowd by surprise when she came to MTV Music Awards in a now famous meat dress. That needed some guts to carry off such a unique ...let's just say experiment. But innovation comes naturally to Lady Gaga.

And Adam Lambert is no different in his approach. The number of hair styles he changes could help feed the people of a small town for a year. I kid you not. But Adam Lambert again pushed the envelope with his attire in the Japan tour. His leather clad dress was the talk of the town.

This is just the beginning for these stars. Both of them are truly fashion icons of Hollywood.


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