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14 oct 2010

Hot Magazine- Adam Lambert meets the Malaysian media

Adam Lambert was clad in subdued glitter at the Malaysian press conference held at KL Hilton this afternoon. He was all smiles and charmingly articulate in answering all questions asked- He was ‘Broken Open’, willingly of course. The 28-year-old talked about everything from his guy-liner to what he was NOT going to do on the show tonight. Sorry, no kissing, guys.

Glambert also addressed his homosexual vibe when asked. Check out what he says about being normal, what he would be if he weren’t an artiste and how he does not let fame get to him.

Adam Lambert will not be the idol that he is if he wasn’t inspirational. Here’s a snippet of what he shared:
“You should be proud of who you are...There is a lot of hate but you know, if I focus on the hate and let the hate affect me; I’d be letting hate win. I refuse to do that. I’m gonna focus on the positive, focus on the love and ignore all the negativity.”

Adrian Lim, Managing Director of Sony Music Entertainment Malaysia handing a token to Adam Lambert


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