Adam: Twitter party!!! Questions
Adam: Taken at Burning Man! Note my glamorous trailer in the background!
Adam Lambert's photo Taken at Burning Man! Note my glamorous trailer in the background! on whosay
Q: @Thaila_11 – Yes, but some of us want soft ballads too! Don’t forget us, “Personal songs” remember?! !
A: oh I love ballads- don’t worry. :) songs w a great beat can also be quite personal! Ya know?!
Q: @Trishnz – Did being on Project Runway fire you up to have your own fashion label – after next album of course
A: I’ve always had the notion to design. Before guessing on p.runway. Gonna focus on my music first of course.
Q: @mackenzieejo – will you pleeeaaase come to indiana on your next tour? :D
A: I came to indiana the last tour… Of course I’ll come back. We filmed the DVD there!
Q: @styleandchiche – Any ideas on the album cover yet?
A: yeah a few. :)
Q: @ravengirl57 – In making this second album, is it always so unscheduled? In other words, are there no deadlines AT ALL?
A: deadlines and schedule come waaaay second to great music. I’m lucky to be signed to a label that respects and honors that :)
Q: @lambosessed – What kind of drunk are you usually?
A: a friendly, talkative one. ;) love ur avi. That was a crazy hallowEen
Q: @catalm – What was your favorite part about being on Project Runway?
A: the judges are reeeeally funny. On and off camera. Micheal had me in stitches w his wit.
Q: @LuvThaFunk – so I’m guessing Outlaws Of Love will be the only sweet slow ballad I’ve been craving? Will there be piano on it?
A: you’ll have to wait and see…
Adam: Twitter is actin up
Q: @SophieBachmann – Have you still a crush on Bill from Tokio Hotel?
A: nope… I found my love! :)
Q: @rainierstar – Is there anything else you can tell us about the album?
A: yeah- I love it! Some of it’s really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me…
Q: @Hungarevival – What about your Illuminati status?
A: haha they rejected my application. Not enough bullshit and mystery. Im too much an open book
Q: @jam2885 – who was your favorite writer/producer to work with for the album?
A: One of the producers I was extremely honored to write with was @Pharrell Williams! Whew. I don’t think y’all are ready for that!
Q: @TiiaTortilla – Anything you wanna say to the Sauli haters? The Adommy crays?
A: nothing to say… All that chat is a waste of energy. Some Folks think they know my private life… Well they don’t.
Q: @HannaBec – Would u perform on X-Factor if asked?
A: of course! U think I’d say no? Haha
Q: @HousesOfCandy – What one element is making this your ‘dream’ album? BTW, can’t wait!! XOX
A: I think the production style is more progressive and forward thinking then in the past… I love electronic music!
Adam: I feel like I’ve evolved as a singer and as a writer in the past few years. Learned so much on tour etc… The shift shows
Q: @GlitterSkies – I think you should cover a Backstreet Boys song…
A: haha I sang enough covers on idol. All about new, original material now.
Q: @anthrogeekPF – Wanna get FUNKed up!! Are you exploring urban sounds with these new collabs?? ;) ))
A: sorta… yeah
Q: @meandmypixie – No pressure or anything, but if the album is gonna be released in early 2012, when can we expect a GNT2??? :)
A: the Glam Nation tour already happened! The next tour ( prob next year) will have a whole new concept and name.
Q: @GlamourStar730 – I hope the CD’s not too Poppy. I dont like dance music
A: i do
Q: @Sandishader – have you already started working on the concept for the next tour?
A: nope. lol im figuring all this out as i go. while its flattering you think i have it all mapped out in advance- i def dont!
Q: @2cntswrth – Do you still party as much as you used to or do you hang out more at home now?
A: def been more of a homebody of late– and spending lots of time in the studio too
Adam: POST GAY. look it up. sums up my views
Q: @rach_eva – it sucks to be told by OTHER PPL what should define YOU
A: yeah… but that is what the “Cult of Celebrity” is. its one of the downsides.
Q: @mogulmama – Was it cold at night in the desert- you guys were all bundled up
A: sooo cold. and the days were so hot. its like a survival rave
Q: @WildflowerGlam – Do you know why some people think gays are all the same? I mean straight people aren’t all the same either, so why gays?
A: why? ignorance.
Q: @Misty_Glambert – Summer or winter fashions?
A: im a fall/winter fan. love jackets!
Q: @Kimkris – how often do you have to cut/color your hair?
A: too often- it grows SO fast.
Q: @TrueGlambert3 – What’s some advice to help get over my ex????? Please, I seriously wanna get over him because he’s mean to me but I can’t :\
A: distract yourself w a project. something positive and nothing to do w relationships. be productive and get your heart off it
Q: @yuki3sl – Do you believe in fate ??
A: YES! Fate and Destiny are real! but you have to follow your instincts to allow it to unfold. we sometimes stand in our our own way.!/adamlambert
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