remavineyard: What are you doing in NYC?
AL: @remavineyard all sorts of bizzness :)
HannaBec: did u get a hair cut? :))
AL: @HannaBec I have to get one about every 3 weeks - I'm a grower
mustthinkagain: what is your hair colors called?
AL: @mustthinkagain Acid Wolf
MarinaAL: there's rumors that you're pregnant, can you confirm this?
AL: @MarinaAL I didn't want to jinx anything. Still in first trimester. Shhh
SeleneBean: How does rock fit in with more of the electronic/pop sound you're going for? I have a hard time trying to "hearing" it. Explain
AL: @SeleneBean I honestly don't believe in limiting myself to one genre. All about throwing a few influences together like fusion at the end of the day- a great song is a great song.
Stefhanie88: What do you think of the new season of True Blood so far? ;) from a fellow trubie.♥
AL: @Stefhanie88 i love it!! Diggin the witches.
agathadams: do you sometimes wish you had more Gay "allies" in the music business?
AL: @agathadams while there isn't a large presence in the music biz, I honestly don't think it should matter. It's about MUSIC
mari_guerra: what will be your next hair do?
AL: @mari_guerra I dunno girl... I don't plan these things, just go w an impulse. :)
Hello_Caitlin: I Love You! Fave Article Of Clothing At The Moment? Or What Are You Wearing Right Now?
AL: @Hello_Caitlin dem Rick Owens boots.
AraneLambert: in yur next tour, are you going to sing some songs of your first album?
AL: @AraneLambert most likely. :)
Jeannie_Glitter: if u love someone & u already have a gf/bf do u give up ur gf/bf & date the person u love or keep the gf/bf??
AL: @Jeannie_Glitter you gotta follow your heart. The best relationships are based on honesty.
_EmmaLambert_: do you like kitties?
AL: @_EmmaLambert_ more of a puppy guy
Retweet by AL: AdamsHart: @adamlambert let's turn it arround if you could ask your fans any question what would that be?
AL: @AdamsHart what was your LEAST favorite song from the last album?
eclair_unfbert: what do you think bout your goverment?
@eclair_unfbert not a politician. Not an area I feel comfortable using my platform for. ....
@AnnieWT oh yeah. I have it picked. :)
AL: AnnieWT: have you narrowed down your ideas for next album title?
lionhearted_: where did you get your tan?
AL: @lionhearted_ my backyard. And the versa Spa. Lol
mmaijju: could you say "moi" to me :)
AL: @mmaijju moi
PinkGlamMonster: So do you have a tank top fetish these days? :D
AL: @PinkGlamMonster not really- it's summer. It's hot. :)
elglamlala: how long do you want to be in show business?;)
AL: @elglamlala this is what I was born to do. Always.
@RamonaPal: Do you like milk with cocoa? xD
AL: @RamonaPal it's good
OblaLovesAdam: worn any sneakers lately?
AL: @OblaLovesAdam only when exercising.
Seren_14: if you weren't a singer, what would you be?
AL: @Seren_14 prob a director or designer
LadyPricelessN: have any addictions?
AL: @LadyPricelessN yeah a few. Lol
UberTrish: Do you ever regret fashion decisions?
AL: @UberTrish someone's I look back and go thru a brief period of denial and grief. Buy regret? Never.
anthrogeekPF: I know I'm invisible, but... FUNK?? y/n???
AL: @anthrogeekPF yes. Funk. Def
Glambert4everAL: how would you describe your life right now? what do you do everyday?
AL: @Glambert4everAL I prepare. I create. I love.
TeliseLambLusk: Sooo.. Pajammy Jam Jams or Sleeper in the Raw? Inquiring minds need to know!
AL: @TeliseLambLusk au natural under the covers.
kinkykiedis: Yay you came back, can I ask u what your doing rn or am I being to nosy, if so sorry. Im not normally :)
AL: @kinkykiedis I'm tweeting.
JadenLambert: plz check out this picture an amazing artist friend of mine did,, shes amazing & this pic is sick darkcat6.deviantart.com/art/I-WANT-YOU…
AL: @JadenLambert wow that's awesome!!
Mistyglmbrtjail: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
AL: @Mistyglmbrtjail Freddie Mercury, Cleopatra
lifetweets_: do you & @PerezHilton hang out alot?
AL: @lifetweets_ nope
TheLambertLuvva: Do you believe in the occult?
AL: @TheLambertLuvva good question. I'm fascinated by it. I find it sexy.
ArchiesCrush: Do you like the idea of the glowsticks for the next tour being PURPLE? :) @Glows4Adam
AL: @ArchiesCrush yes. Purple would be awesome. :)
baileymayhugh: zebra print or houndstooth?
AL: @baileymayhugh def zebra
Zsanelia: What's your opinion about sex with girls? Do you also like this?
AL: @Zsanelia i think everyone should try something at least once. ;)
glambert1125: current favorite colour?
AL: @glambert1125 black/gray
jelena296: does it ever bother you that you sometimes have to share your personal thoughts with millions of people [through your music]?
@jelena296 it's a great opportunity. Not a duty. I choose to. :)
AL: @remavineyard all sorts of bizzness :)
HannaBec: did u get a hair cut? :))
AL: @HannaBec I have to get one about every 3 weeks - I'm a grower
mustthinkagain: what is your hair colors called?
AL: @mustthinkagain Acid Wolf
MarinaAL: there's rumors that you're pregnant, can you confirm this?
AL: @MarinaAL I didn't want to jinx anything. Still in first trimester. Shhh
SeleneBean: How does rock fit in with more of the electronic/pop sound you're going for? I have a hard time trying to "hearing" it. Explain
AL: @SeleneBean I honestly don't believe in limiting myself to one genre. All about throwing a few influences together like fusion at the end of the day- a great song is a great song.
Stefhanie88: What do you think of the new season of True Blood so far? ;) from a fellow trubie.♥
AL: @Stefhanie88 i love it!! Diggin the witches.
agathadams: do you sometimes wish you had more Gay "allies" in the music business?
AL: @agathadams while there isn't a large presence in the music biz, I honestly don't think it should matter. It's about MUSIC
mari_guerra: what will be your next hair do?
AL: @mari_guerra I dunno girl... I don't plan these things, just go w an impulse. :)
Hello_Caitlin: I Love You! Fave Article Of Clothing At The Moment? Or What Are You Wearing Right Now?
AL: @Hello_Caitlin dem Rick Owens boots.
AraneLambert: in yur next tour, are you going to sing some songs of your first album?
AL: @AraneLambert most likely. :)
Jeannie_Glitter: if u love someone & u already have a gf/bf do u give up ur gf/bf & date the person u love or keep the gf/bf??
AL: @Jeannie_Glitter you gotta follow your heart. The best relationships are based on honesty.
_EmmaLambert_: do you like kitties?
AL: @_EmmaLambert_ more of a puppy guy
Retweet by AL: AdamsHart: @adamlambert let's turn it arround if you could ask your fans any question what would that be?
AL: @AdamsHart what was your LEAST favorite song from the last album?
eclair_unfbert: what do you think bout your goverment?
@eclair_unfbert not a politician. Not an area I feel comfortable using my platform for. ....
@AnnieWT oh yeah. I have it picked. :)
AL: AnnieWT: have you narrowed down your ideas for next album title?
lionhearted_: where did you get your tan?
AL: @lionhearted_ my backyard. And the versa Spa. Lol
mmaijju: could you say "moi" to me :)
AL: @mmaijju moi
PinkGlamMonster: So do you have a tank top fetish these days? :D
AL: @PinkGlamMonster not really- it's summer. It's hot. :)
elglamlala: how long do you want to be in show business?;)
AL: @elglamlala this is what I was born to do. Always.
@RamonaPal: Do you like milk with cocoa? xD
AL: @RamonaPal it's good
OblaLovesAdam: worn any sneakers lately?
AL: @OblaLovesAdam only when exercising.
Seren_14: if you weren't a singer, what would you be?
AL: @Seren_14 prob a director or designer
LadyPricelessN: have any addictions?
AL: @LadyPricelessN yeah a few. Lol
UberTrish: Do you ever regret fashion decisions?
AL: @UberTrish someone's I look back and go thru a brief period of denial and grief. Buy regret? Never.
anthrogeekPF: I know I'm invisible, but... FUNK?? y/n???
AL: @anthrogeekPF yes. Funk. Def
Glambert4everAL: how would you describe your life right now? what do you do everyday?
AL: @Glambert4everAL I prepare. I create. I love.
TeliseLambLusk: Sooo.. Pajammy Jam Jams or Sleeper in the Raw? Inquiring minds need to know!
AL: @TeliseLambLusk au natural under the covers.
kinkykiedis: Yay you came back, can I ask u what your doing rn or am I being to nosy, if so sorry. Im not normally :)
AL: @kinkykiedis I'm tweeting.
JadenLambert: plz check out this picture an amazing artist friend of mine did,, shes amazing & this pic is sick darkcat6.deviantart.com/art/I-WANT-YOU…
AL: @JadenLambert wow that's awesome!!
Mistyglmbrtjail: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
AL: @Mistyglmbrtjail Freddie Mercury, Cleopatra
lifetweets_: do you & @PerezHilton hang out alot?
AL: @lifetweets_ nope
TheLambertLuvva: Do you believe in the occult?
AL: @TheLambertLuvva good question. I'm fascinated by it. I find it sexy.
ArchiesCrush: Do you like the idea of the glowsticks for the next tour being PURPLE? :) @Glows4Adam
AL: @ArchiesCrush yes. Purple would be awesome. :)
baileymayhugh: zebra print or houndstooth?
AL: @baileymayhugh def zebra
Zsanelia: What's your opinion about sex with girls? Do you also like this?
AL: @Zsanelia i think everyone should try something at least once. ;)
glambert1125: current favorite colour?
AL: @glambert1125 black/gray
jelena296: does it ever bother you that you sometimes have to share your personal thoughts with millions of people [through your music]?
@jelena296 it's a great opportunity. Not a duty. I choose to. :)
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