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6 ene 2011

Adam Lambert Loses Twitter Followers - You Will Be Surprised Why - CelebMagnet

Adam Lambert lost some Twitter followers yesterday - And he is perplexed by the reason for the defection by what usually seem to be some of the most die-hard, loyal fans in the entertainment business.

What could have caused so much unease with these otherwise loyal fans? Apparently they did not like what Lambert had to say about TV shows which in his opinion take advantage of teenage mothers.

Lambert Tweeted yesterday:

This Teen Mom show on MTV is so depressing. I know it's "real life" but shouldn't there be programming that inspires kids to shoot higher? #glorifyingwhitetrash

I'm not saying that all teen moms are white trash. Don't misunderstand. Yet, most of the ones on that show seem to be. I do, however, think they're are being exploited a bit.

Today, Lambert noticed he had fewer Twitter followers than yesterday - he didn't say how many followers he has lost, but for a musician who still has over 800,000 followers, it must have been a significant enough number for Lambert to actually notice.

He Tweeted today:

Woah I lost some followers yesterday cuz I had a valid opinion about a tv show. Hahah. #sensitivesallies #AdammustalwaysbePC

I am a big fan of reality shows -- But only the ones which do not portray people in demeaning ways or take advantage of their lust for fame. And my gut tells me to avoid the show Lambert finds "depressing," Teen Mom. So, I have to agree with Lambert that there just has to be more inspirational but just as entertaining programming ideas out there for our teens.

Why do you think some of Lambert's fans were offended by his comments? Was Lambert's opinion about Teen Mom that outrageous or offensive? Or, perhaps the departed fans did not appreciate the reference to "white trash?" Thoughts?


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