We all know about the Lady Gaga Monster Ball tour going on right now but something a little more on the edgier side right now is our boy Adam Lambert with his Glam Tour. Adam Lambert was spotted out and about at three bars in Dallas the last few days one of them the Roundup where Lady Gaga was seen and then on Trashy Tuesday with the stripper boys at BJ’s and the Tin Room. I will say that Adam Lambert looks much much hotter in person than he does on TV or maybe its the Fox Network that made him look kind of thick but wow he looks good now!! We love Adam and hope he gets played more in the clubs especially the ones in Dallas where you barely hear him. We hear him a lot in Orlando and LA but the other cities have lots of catching up to do!! Lets hear more Adam!!!
This pic is kind of crazy but it is him at BJs bar where the legendary Cruise Inn of Trashy Tuesdays used to be off Fitzhough. He looks like hes smoking a blunt but its more like a jello “shot”.
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