Adam is one of the artists on the rotating banner for Sony Music Global Cap: by hooplamagnet
I freak out when I'm walking down the street and a piece of dust floats in my eye: Maybe it's an asbestos-ridden particle! I'm going to wake up blind! The ironic thing about this irrational fear is that I am pretty fearless when it comes to putting known immune toxicants, like Coumarin, directly on my eyes, and letting it sit there all day. If you wear eyeliner then you're probably taking the same brazen risks. The FDA cannot require companies to test the safety of their cosmetic products, and this billion-dollar industry is largely comprised of companies marketing products with ingredients that are known to pose health risks, some of which can be fatal. Might as well play it safe and go with natural, organic eyeliners. I've recently fallen in lust with Vapour Organic Beauty's Mesmerize Eyeliner. 0diggsdigg
Vapour Mesmerize Eyeliner with Smoky Eye Tool ($18) is made with 70% Certified Organic ingredients. It’s made with none of the adhesives in traditional eyeliners, using beeswax and sunflower oil to achieve the same gliding effect, without the chemicals. The formula allows for a defined line, as well as a smudgy, smokey look (thanks to the smudging tool). “A pencil that goes on smoothly, and blends easily is a must-have beauty essential for defined eyes,” says Eric Sakas, Vapour’s co-founder. “The fact that we’ve done it in a formula that is 70% organic is extraordinary.” Send a note to Adam Lambert, Glambs. Because you care
Saranno i Magazzini Generali di Milano ad ospitare il 24 Novembre uno dei cantanti più discussi e apprezzati del panorama pop statunitense: Adam Lambert.
Lambert è arrivato secondo all’ottava edizione di American Idol, il popolare talent show che si prefigge l’obiettivo di trovare nuove star musicali, ha raccolto fin da subito l’attenzione di un numero sempre più crescente di fans e dei media, anche a causa della sua dichiarata omosessualità.
Le sue esibizioni accanto ad artisti come Kiss, Slash e Queen hanno evidenziato le sue qualità vocali e lo stile anticonvenzionale ed unico.
Adam ha iniziato fin da piccolo a sviluppare il suo amore per la musica e lo spettacolo facendo parte di un gruppo jazz e recitando a teatro in produzioni come You’re a good man, Charlie Brown, Hair e la versione americana del musical I dieci comandamenti con protagonista l’attore Val Kilmer.
Il suo album di esordio, For your entertainment, registra le collaborazioni di alcuni importanti nomi della musica internazionale come Lady Gaga, Pink (che ha scritto il singolo Whataya Want from me insieme a Max Martin e Shellback con l’idea iniziale di inserirla nel proprio album), Matthew Bellamy dei Muse e Linda Perry e ha ottenuto la prima posizione in classifica in nazioni come l’America ed il Giappone. For your entertainment ha venduto fino ad oggi 1.000.000 di copie in tutto il mondo.
La personalità di Adam Lambert è stata sfruttata ed evidenziata nei 18 brani che compongono la tracklist dell’album:
“Desideravo realizzare un album che fosse dance, che fosse pop, che fosse internazionale. Volevo proprio fare un disco pop-glam, non un album coerente, perché la mia personalità non lo è. Volevo qualcosa di estremamente vario, proprio come la musica che mi piace ascoltare. Volevo che il disco avesse qualcosa per ogni stato d’animo in cui ci si può trovare quando lo si ascolta”.
His drawing based on a video game and movie won John McLukie Best of Show honors in the Corn Festival Art Show, but it was his drawings of pop singers that stirred the most conversation.
POPSTAR: Glam rocker Adam Lambert will be performing at the 2010 Formula 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix this evening. TNP PICTURE: YAP NING At least that's what one US photographer claimed about Adam Lambert just last week.
According to US entertainment website TMZ, the photographer told Miami police that the 28-year-old US pop singer grabbed his backpack carrying his camera and 'wrestled (the photographer) to the ground forcefully'.
But the American Idol 8 runner-up displayed none of that alleged misdemeanour at yesterday afternoon's press conference.
He was friendly and accommodating, despite a jetlag.
Perhaps that was also why he made a hasty exit even though local fans had waited nearly two hours for him on Friday afternoon when he arrived after a 20-hour flight from Los Angeles via Hong Kong.
The multi-octave singer, who had already put up a show last night, will be performing at the 2010 Formula 1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix this evening.
When The New Paper on Sunday asked him about the allegations, the singer explained: 'I was kicking back at Miami beach with some friends. I posed for the photographers and was patient for the first 45 minutes. I even gave them the peace sign.
'Then they kept multiplying like cockroaches when I'd already told them to stop. (That photographer) provoked me by saying something I'd rather not repeat, but it was horrible.
'There were no punches thrown. He never touched the ground. I'm not that violent.'
Charges dropped
Lambert added that charges have been dropped.
When asked about American Idol, the US reality TV singing contest which catapulted him to fame last year, he said the judges are not to blame for the public's waning interest in the show.
US singers Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler of rock band Aerosmith are the new judges of the ailing show, which has seen its ratings fall after its peak in 2006.
US music producer Randy Jackson is the only original judge left in the show after the departures of Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Kara DioGuardi and Ellen DeGeneres.
He said: 'I hope the producers will go out on a limb this year to bring in contestants who are spicier.'
If he were asked to be a guest judge on the show, Lambert said he'd be honoured but would do it for only one episode.
'I had fun mentoring (the contestants) this year but I'd rather focus on my career right now.'
Lambert is riding high on his success, despite coming in second in Idol.
Sales for his debut album For Your Entertainment (2009) during its first week were more than double that of Idol 8 winner Kris Allen in the same period.
Last year, he was Young Hollywood Awards' Artist of the Year.
In February, Lambert beat US tween star Nick Jonas and R&B singer Justin Timberlake to top Billboard magazine's Top 10 Sexiest Men in Music, according to pollsters.
Jonas was second and Timberlake came in fourth.
He said he didn't know about the poll.
'I'm obviously flattered. I've never thought of myself as sexy. I was the fat and awkward kid in school. It's only in recent years that I've begun to feel sexy and beautiful, and I realise that comes from the inside.'
Lambert, who's known for his theatrical stage persona, joked about naming his F1 team The Glitz and decking the car with glitter and rhinestones.
In real life, he's gearing up to buy a new Maserati to replace his Ford Mustang.
Asked to pick his favourite team to win Singapore's night race, Lambert made a practical decision.