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30 may 2012

Adam Lambert to be Honored at Musique Plus - AdamLambertFansClub

When Adam appears as a guest on Musique Plus on Wednesday, May 30, he will be there to promote his newly released video for his latest single "Never Close Our Eyes." Musique Plus (MP) has been very supportive of Adam as an artist. They are also very supportive and appreciative of Adam’s fans and their support of the show. While he is there, he will be presented with a special plaque, on behalf of his fans from the MP voting groups at AdamOfficial.com and AdamLambertFans.com, to commemorate his being the 1st artist inducted into the Pantheon. Four members representing those groups will be in the MP audience.
Adam’s fans wanted to recognize and honor Adam being the 1st Pantheon artist – they logged hours and hours of votes for Adam and his videos, and are so very proud of how well Adam’s videos have done on the MP Top 5 Countdown. The plaque is in memory of “MamaH” – the leader and OP of the Musique Plus voting thread on AdamOfficial.com. MamaH passed away from a sudden illness in February 2012. MamaH was a beloved member of AdamOfficial.com and AdamLambertFans.com and was a very dedicated Adam Lambert fan and supporter. On February 22, 2012, at the request of fans, Musique Plus inducted Adam's video for BTIKM into the "Pantheon Hall of Fame" in memory and honor of MamaH.

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