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12 dic 2012

Readers' Poll: The Best Albums of 2012 Adam Lambert, 'Trespassing' - Rolling Stone

1. Adam Lambert, 'Trespassing' Well, he does know a thing or two about popularity contests. By the looks of it, former American Idol winner Adam Lambert organized his fans to stuff the ballot box to make Trespassing the top vote-getter in our Readers' Poll. Upon its release, Rolling Stone gave the album four stars, with Rob Sheffield noting that Lambert sang the mix of "tinsel disco-club sleaze and leather-boy love ballads" like he was "Zeus in a thong." Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

Adam Lambert - Photo via @Wildaboutmusic

Photo via @Wildaboutmusic Just saw @AdamLambert giving a deeply Method performance. See for yourself Sunday on @VH1Music

Adam Lambert and Cyndi Lauper - Photo via TrueColorsFund


A little behind the scenes on how we got a cool silhouette shot with Divas host Adam Lambert.- VH1 Tumblr


Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen - MTV Buzzworthy Blog: The Cutest Celebrity Couples 2012

Adam Lambert - Photo via @Alek_Sandar Partying with Adam Lambert, Jonte and Ansoni (Boyplay)

Adam Lambert - Collage via @O_lambert_

Collage via @O_lambert_ This man is killing me with his cuteness

News Adam Lambert at Hennessy Artistry ,Shanghai,China - Via alidol2011

Adam Lambert all smiles being questioned 3am by the paparazzi at LAX - Via TheWorldmonitortv

Adam Lambert on VH1 - 24 S-caps via @got2btrue2u


Adam Lambert Reveals A Madonna Cover For VH1 Divas 2012 - VH1 (VIDEO)

Adam Lambert is on the CNN home page - Via @jristen

Adam Lambert: The Pope is on Twitter Now!? - TMZ

Adam Lambert - 82 HQ pictures of Adam arriving at LAX Airport (Dec 10) - Via @adam_pictures


Adam Lambert: Video on Keek

Adam Lambert Tweet: Just a friendly chat w some Paps. Ya know... No biggie

Adam Lambert at LAX (2012. 12. 10.) - Via AdamLambertHungary