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16 dic 2012

#AdamIsADiva | VH1 DIVAS 2012 - Adam Lambert Tease - VH1

ADAM LAMBERT TONIGHT! DIVAS Live on VH1 - Go Glamberts! - GIF via @illuxxia


Adam Lambert - "Hits of 2012" Published in Finland

MTV Style | readers' choice: most stylish dude of 2012 nominees: Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert's mega-watt personal style landed him a spot on our Most Stylish Dude of 2012 nominee list.

Happy Holidays, Glamberts!! Did Someone Say HOLIDAY Sale? Adam Lambert Fans Club Official

That's right, Glamberts. The warehouse is full of Adam merch from prior years' membership packages and we want to give YOU the opportunity to pick up a shirt, some dog tags and more at a great price.
Need an extra sleep shirt? $5
Need a gift for the Glambert in your life? $5
Need some beautiful photos of Adam to frame and display? $5
Lost your dogtags? $2..... yes.. $2!

Check here: http://adamlambertfans.com/store

Adam Lambert - Jingle Ball STAR 101.3 Interview! - 21 S-caps via @got2btrue2u

More here: https://plus.google.com/photos/113654192333406077460/albums/5822500599903122881?banner=pwa

Adam Lambert - LOL THIS FANDOM> Glamberts! - Via @Entertainer_98

Adam Lambert- 2012 Jingle Ball interview - Via ProudGlambert Becca

Adam Lambert Star 101.3's Jingle Ball - INTERVIEW with Jon Manuel - Star 101.3

Adam Lambert ‘VH1 Divas’ rehearsals