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6 feb 2013

Adam Lambert - New (for us) old photo - Via cc_cody


Adam Lambert arriving at Bootsy Bellows (Feb 5)

16 HQ pictures arriving at Bootsy Bellows (Feb 5) - Via @adam_pictures - 

 More here: http://www.adam-pictures.com/thumbnails.php?album=850

David Arquette on giving Adam Lambert a Lap Dance for BDay at Bootsy Bellows - PopCandiesTv

Adam Lambert:Trespassing is sitting at #1 on Chinese Amazon

Via @CuckooBert: @adamlambert @shoshannastone #Trespassing is sitting at #1 on Chinese Amazon best selling album. #GNT is #40. Yeeeeep!

Adam Lambert: Gay Bars are the Best... to Meet Chicks! - TMZ (Official video)

Adam Lambert - Scans of INROCK Magazine (Japan), Feb 2013 issue - Via @adam_pictures

Adam Lambert - 5 HQ scans of INROCK Magazine (Japan), February 2013 issue - - Via @adam_pictures


'Trespassing' album Chinese version is #2 on Amazon China

Via @CuckooBert @adamlambert #Trespassing album Chinese version is on Amazon.cn for pre-order. It's #2 best seller now