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8 sept 2012

Adam Lambert - Concert October 17, 2012 - Arizona State Fair

INFO: http://www.azstatefair.com/concerts/adam-lambert

Adam Lambert on GRAMMY's Poll - Vote for Adam!

Adam Lambert & Sauli Drawing - Via @bonniedesa

Adam Lambert's new fan mail address - ALFC

Adam Lambert's new fan mail address - ALFC


Ground Control has moved. Adam's new fan mail address is below.


c/o Adam Lambert

120 K Street

Suite 300

Sacramento, CA 95814

If you would like to send fan mail to Adam, the address is below. Please keep in mind, it is highly unlikely that he will respond to your mail. However, if you include a SSAE (stamped self-addressed envelope) he will return an item that you send to be autographed, or if you don't send anything he will probably still send you an autographed picture. Please be patient, as you know he is very busy and he DOES sign everything himself. :) Also keep in mind that he has asked his fans to donate to DonorsChoose in lieu of spending a lot of money on gifts for him. :)


c/o Adam Lambert

120 K Street

Suite 300

Sacramento, CA 95814

Kim ~ Moderator


"Trespassing" Debuted on U.S. Radio - ALFC Official

"Trespassing" made its U.S. radio debut Thursday night on KDMX 102.9NOW in Dallas, TX! On Wednesday, they tweeted, "Trespassing" will be played at approximately 7:45 p.m. CDT or 8:45 p.m. EDT, 5:45 p.m. PDT. Thanks to a stream for the station, fans were able to listen Worldwide!


Adam Lambert centerfold poster in Bravo Magazine 8/14/2012 - Via @LambertLust