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8 mar 2011

Adam Lambert Glam Nation Dancers NOH8 Campaign 3-8-11

Adam Lambert Glam Nation Dancers NOH8 Campaign 3-8-11
Video courtesy of Gale Whittington- Thanks you so much Gale!

NOH8 Glam Band!!!!! Screencaps by Lisa Smith Harrington and Feeltheweight

Screencap from the USTREAM Live Broadcast of ADAM LAMBERT's Glam Nation dancers by Lisa Smith Harrington and Feeltheweight

Vote!! Strut or Music Again?

Vote!! Strut or Music Again? Which Live Performance from Adam's Glam Nation Live CD/DVD Should Be Released Next? http://www.adamofficial.com/us/poll/which-live-performance-a

‎933FLZ tweet....

Just confirmed... @AdamLambert will be with us Wednesday in the 2pm hour! Listen:

Adam Lambert premiere "Aftermath" on KIIS FM March 9- Ryan announcing the news

Adam Lambert -“Whataya Want From Me” Included in American Idol '10th Anniversary' hits album

Adam Lambert -“Whataya Want From Me” Included in American Idol '10th Anniversary' hits album- released on March 15- Amazon


Adam Lambert - ACOUSTIC AFTERMATH....Two days!!

March 8 - International Women's Day

"Happy International day of the woman!!!".