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7 feb 2013

Adam Lambert and His Fans Help Raise Over $82,000! - We are family foundation

Wow...! On behalf of the entire We Are Family Foundation "family", we cannot thank Adam Lambert and his fans enough for their unbelievable support of WAFF! In just over a week, Adam and the fans rallied to raise more than $82,000 in celebration of Adam's birthday and receiving the Unity Award at the We Are Family Foundation Celebration Gala 2.0 on January 31, 2013 in New York. We are honored to welcome everyone into our global family! The money raised will help continue our programs supporting Global Teen Leaders' work around the world! Now, we didn't break the world-record, but that's ok, there's always next year! THANK YOU!


Adam Lambert and Allan Louis - New photo (for us) - Via @nolechica

Adam Lambert and Allan Louis - New photo (for us) - Via @atomicdawn

Adam Lambert - Poster on Bravo magazine Portugal - Via @glamlafp

Adam Lambert arriving at Bootsy Bellows (Feb 5) - 110 S-caps via ‏@got2btrue2u

More here: https://plus.google.com/photos/113654192333406077460/albums/5842171451506417505?banner=pwa&authkey=CN_R6omhh5vjggE

Adam Lambert Tweets.....


Adam Lambert on English Magazine That's ShangHai featured - Via @glam_alido

More here: http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/82f08e6egw1e1kwpg648nj.jpg

Adam Lambert Tweet: Ready for @americanidol Hollywood week!!
