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7 jun 2012

Adam Lambert - "BUZZ KING" on Fuji TV Network, Japan, June 8 - Via @mmyy9

Adam Lambert - Fan Art by STITCH-84

Adam Lambert at the Royal Albert Hall. London, UK

Adam Lambert leaving the 4music offices in London UK on 6th June 2012 - Via cookielambrit

Adam Lambert on Sunrise 8 June 2012 - Via tattoojo91

Adam on OZ TV from London on Sunrise - Via @kittybaroque

Adam Lambert Tweet....

Adam Lambert Tweet.... Had such a great time at the MLB Fan cave! Check this out:

Adam Lambert - HQ pictures from a new photo shoot (June 6) - Via @adam_pictures

Adam Lambert - Pictures from the Joseph Llanes shoot - Via @adam_pictures


Adam Lambert Twitter Takeover in pictures - 4Music


Adam Lambert at the Royal Albert Hall



NJR Interview Adam Lambert 2012-06-07 - Via @ScorpioBert

Adam Lambert addresses his sexuality in Studio Q - Via Qtv

Adam Lambert - Via @mtvuknews

Adam Lambert - WWFM Used on Belgian Preview - Via @adamlambertbe

Adam Lambert is featured in People this week! Photo by @leecherry - Via @spreckles

Adam Lambert Number One Turkey - Via NumberOneFM

Entrevue avec Adam Lambert - Via JadellEJ