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31 oct 2010

Adam Lambert, a Vampire on Halloween

HALLOWEENNHELP by sukymurderglambert

‎30 Seconds Preview of Pink's Studio Version of 'Whataya Want From Me'

Adam Lambert the Sexy Glampire by glitters4adam - Remember?

๑۩۞۩๑Happy LamberHalloween๑۩۞۩๑ ๑۩۞۩๑Happy Glamoween๑۩۞۩๑



Magazine "Luna Teen" - poster Adam Lambert - Argentine- november 2010

GIANTS Posters My Chemical Romance, Mika, Black Eyed Peas, Adam Lambert, Selena Gomez, Vampire Diaries, Zac Efron (with a beard!), And Justin Bieber Arashi!

Posters GIGANTES de My Chemical Romance, Mika, Black Eyed Peas, Adam Lambert, Selena Gomez, Vampire Diaries, Zac Efron (con barba!), Arashi y Justin Bieber!


OMG!! SUPER HOT- SEXY! Adommy; Poison by XxTwoRebelzxX

29 oct 2010

The Q goes 1 on 1 with Adam Lambert by 925theQtube

Halloween Pop Star Costume Contest Winners

Halloween, easily the most rock 'n' roll holiday on the calendar, is almost here, and we knew there were many of you who were game to trick and treat the Billboard.com audience by showing off your ability to channel a particular pop star better than anyone else by submitting a photo of yourself in costume. We received many many entries in our Halloween costume contest, and had ten great finalists, but three of them really raked in the votes. Congrats! Here are the winners:
Grand Prize
It was Scott Clanin's impressive Adam Lambert costume that got the most votes. He'll be receiving the grand prize; an iPad.

Videomessaggio Adam e incontralo a Milano

Adam Lambert sarà in Italia il 24 Novembre per un imperdibile concerto ai Magazzini Generali di Milano. Per questa occasione daremo la possibilità a quindici fortunati di incontrarlo in un meet&greet! Per partecipare basta inviare una e-mail all’indirizzo info@sonymusic.it con la risposta a questa semplice domanda entro venerdì 12 novembre.

Chi sono gli scrittori del testo di “Whataya Want From Me”?

Clicca su LEGGI TUTTO per leggere i requisiti per poter incontrare Adam e per vedere il suo videomessaggio ai fan italiani!

Per poter partecipare dovete essere in possesso dell'album di Adam, "For Your Entertainment", ed essere iscritti al Sito Ufficiale e alla Newsletter Ufficiale Italiana di Adam.

I vincitori verranno contattati via e-mail nei giorni successivi alla scadenza del contest.
In bocca al lupo!
Check video:

Adam Lambert's Malaysian concert to be broadcasted

We have just a bit of irony today on the Adam Lambert front -- out of all the concerts from the Glam Nation Tour to someday make it on to broadcast television, the one to ultimately make it onto broadcast television is coming from Malaysia.

The show will be broadcasted November 3 at 8:00 p.m. on Astro Hitz in the country, making this the first major concert from the tour to receive a full primetime special. Adam will be chronicled in an upcoming E! True Hollywood Story to air next month, but that will be taking a look at his full career rather than a few individual songs.

Although it is not indicated on the programming schedule for the show, we have to believe that the program will cover most of Adam's performance from the concert. The only real question to come out of all of this is how quickly it will take for someone to put this show on Youtube.

Are you hoping to catch Adam's televised concert performance?


Happy Halloween!!!


LambertHelp Halloween
Gráficos personalizados de escarcha


Make your picture into a Halloween: http://www.glassgiant.com/pumpkinizer/

28 oct 2010

Terra.com- Adam Lambert, the new king of glam/ Adam Lambert, el nuevo rey del glam

Almost 30 years later, after Roxy Music, David Bowie and Iggy Pop vibrate with the essence of glam, Adam Lambert appears contangiando thousands with the performance of this kind.

Casi 30 años después, luego que Roxy Music, David Bowie e Iggy Pop vibraran con la escencia del Glam, aparece Adam Lambert contangiando a miles con el performance de ese género.


Check Photo Gallery: Adam Lambert Honolulu2 Photos by Dibaby

http://tinyurl.com/33tereb Perfect pictures!!

Star 1019.com- Adam Lambert's Meet & Greet- Honolulu

Check Photo Gallery: My Mind's Eye Images -Adam Lambert Glam Nation HI 10/26

Adam Lambert Official Fan Club- Kuala Lumpur reviews Glam Nation 2010


Adam Lambert Fan on 104.5 CHUM FM Toronto by jungpeter1958gmail

Laker Girls 2011 - For Your Entertainment - HD by Asianjma123

When Phil Meets Adam-when Lin Yik Hong met Adam Lambert by sonymusichk

27 oct 2010

Adam Lambert another step closer to 750,000

For Adam Lambert, the road to 750,000 albums sold is even closer to being completed. In the newest numbers courtesy of USA Today, Adam's "For Your Entertainment" sold an additional 3,000 copies (approximately) in the past week -- the decrease in sales from last week were minimal, and we are now looking at a total number around 746,000.

Theoretically, it's possible that Adam will make it to the three-quarters-of-a-million-mark next week, but it would take an additional sales push that is not likely considering that there are no major events lined up -- even though Adam did just begin a ten-day break away from the world of touring. (He will be in Helsinki, Finland, on November 6.)

For those curious, this was also a curious week on the record sales front in that there were no "American Idol" alums in the top 40 on the Billboard 200 -- a trend that will likely continue until Lee DeWyze's "Live It Up" hits stores on November 16.

How will you celebrate 750,000?


MTV Japan Part 2 and 1- Adam Lambert by mmyy9

Remember: Part 1

Adam Lambert- Meet & Greets- Honolulu, HI (Day 2)


After show- Meeting Adam Lambert Honolulu 26-10 video by poochkeiko- photo by HeartNNSoul

Adam Lambert Honolulu 10-26-10 videos by Suz526-photos by LoveLightAdam, GeralynK, NoAngelPF- Gif Honolulu2 by ninni1's